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10-03 投稿


monomial 发音

英:[moʊˈnoʊmiəl; mɑːˈnoʊmiəl]  美:[mɒˈnəʊmɪəl]

英:  美:

monomial 中文意思翻译




monomial 短语词组

1、monomial module ─── 单项模

2、monomial matrix ─── [计] 单项矩阵

3、monomial expression ─── 单项式

4、monomial degree ─── 单项度

5、monomial function ─── 单项式函数

6、monomial basis ─── 单项式基

7、monomial factor ─── 单项因子

8、monomial representation ─── 单项表现[表示]

9、monomial category ─── 单项式类别

monomial 相似词语短语

1、monofil ─── n.[纺]单丝

2、monoclinal ─── adj.单斜的

3、agronomial ─── 农艺

4、monomials ─── adj.单项的;单个词的;n.[数]单项式;单名

5、binomial ─── adj.二项式的;双名的,二种名称的;n.二项式;双名词组,二种名称;成对词

6、monopodial ─── 单足的;[植]单轴的

7、monodical ─── 一元的

8、monorhinal ─── n.单孔鼻

9、monomaniac ─── n.偏执狂者;狂热者

monomial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、[2]WANG Yuan-Xing,YAN Yu-Qin,CHENG Rui-He,WANG Cheng,WANG Shu-Yan,SHEN Bu-Gen,WU Jian-Xin.The monomial effect of fertility in Hu sheep.Animal Husbandry of the Time,2000,4:31-32. ─── 王元兴,阎玉琴,程瑞禾,王诚,王曙雁,沈补根,吴建信.湖羊繁殖力单项选育效果.当代畜牧,2000,4:31-32.

2、A monomial and integrated evaluation was conducted, and the factors related to ecological quality, social economy, effective management were selected for the evaluation of the natural reserve. ─── 摘要从生态、社会经济和有效管理3个方面选取了20项指标对太白山自然保护区进行了单项及综合评价。

3、monomial module ─── 单项模

4、Through the analysis of monitoring results,the raw water quality for drinking water supply in Taicang city was evaluated by means of monomial index and comprehensive index. ─── 根据太仓市饮用水地表水源和地下水的监测数据,分别采用单因子评价和综合评价方法,对饮用水源的水质进行评价。

5、nonnegative monomial matrix ─── 非负单项矩阵

6、irreducible monomial matrix ─── 不可约单项矩阵

7、On the value distribution of differential monomial of algebroid functions ─── 一类微分单项式的值分布

8、monomial factor ─── 单项因子

9、Research of Monomial E- Business Affairs Driven by Information ─── 信息驱动的电子商务一体化研究

10、The Role of Working Memory in the Verification of Simple Monomial Addition ─── 工作记忆在简单整式和判断中的作用

11、In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Japanese Women's Volleyball Team participated a high level, some of the p;ayers acquired Top monomial awarding. ─── 在去年举办的雅典奥运会上,日本女排的出色表现是有目共睹的,在其中的四项单项技术排名中均有本国运动员获奖。

12、drying dynamic model of vacuum drying was tally with the model of monomial spread. ─── 真空干燥动力学模型符合单项扩散模型。

13、monomial pollution exponent ─── 单项污染指数

14、monomial category ─── 单项组范畴

15、Keywords emergency ICU;Grade One Nursing;monomial cost accounting; ─── 急诊ICU;一级护理;单项成本;

16、monomial degree ─── 单项式次数

17、Appraisal for whole and monomial assets, including fixed, floating and intangible assets; ─── 整体资产评估、单项资产评估,包括固定资产、流动资产,无形资产;

18、Studied the anomalous characteristics of 4 specific small regions before medium-strong earthquakes, and determined the quantitative and .half quantitative criterion index of monomial prediction according to them. ─── 研究了中强以上地震之前4个小区的异常特征,并据此制定出定量或半定量的单项预报判据指标。

19、main monomial analysis ─── 主项分析法

20、monomial surd ─── 单项不尽根

21、monomial representation ─── 单项表现

22、These high precision instruments are more than 20 kinds and widely used for oil industry to measure the monomial parameters of taper, pitch and height screw for oil pipe, canola and drill shank. ─── 该系列产品是广泛应用于石油行业的高精密仪器,共有20多个品种,主要用于石油油管、套管、钻杆锥形螺纹的锥度、螺距、高度等单项参数的测量。

23、monomial matrices ─── 单项矩阵

24、Character Correspondence Remains Monomial in Finite Group ─── 有限群中保持单项性的特征标对应

25、Comprehensive information system project management knowledge, 150 minutes, written tests, monomial-choice. ─── 信息系统项目管理综合知识,考试时间为150分钟,笔试,选择题;

26、In addition,the monomial proliferation model,exponential model and Page equation were used to describe the folium microwave-drying of the ash and the results showed that first one gave the best result. ─── 利用单项扩散模型、指数模型和Page方程对薄层花椒微波干燥进行了拟合,结果表明单项扩散模型拟合效果最好。

27、differential monomial ─── 微分单项式

28、In the view of teaching, skills can be divided into special ability, subject ability, category ability, and monomial technical ability. ─── 摘要从高职教学的角度把技能分为专业技能、类目技能、科目技能和单项技能。

29、monomial training of basketball ─── 篮球专项课

30、The Role of Working Memory in the Verification of Simple Monomial Addition Equations ─── 工作记忆在简单指数乘法等式判断中的作用

31、Monomial cost accounting and analysis for emergency ICU Grade One Nursing Service items ─── 急诊ICU一级护理服务项目单项成本研究

32、Appraisal for whole and monomial assets, including fixed, floating and intangible assets; ─── 整体资产评估、单项资产评估,包括固定资产、流动资产,无形资产;

33、monomial expression ─── 单项式


35、Recent study results show that combined forecast model approach enjoys more precise forecast than monomial forecast approach. ─── 近年来的研究表明,组合预测方法比单项预测具有更高的预测精度。

36、Describe 62 monomial basis elements and 144 polynomial basis elements in single variable for the quantum group of type A_4. ─── 给出A_4型量子群的全部62个单项式和144个单变量多项式的典范基元素;

37、The system adopted method of monomial charging and adapt to invite public bidding and tender for engineering and final accounting of item. ─── 该系统采用单项取费的预算方法,便于工程招投标和项目决算。

38、ideal monomial ─── 理想单项式

39、Or can say monomial, word only, conversation is not fluent, call not completeness is broken language. ─── 或只能讲单字、单词,说话不流利,称为不完全性失语。

40、monomial group ─── 单项群

41、A word that tall gentleman gives farther-in-law adult is placed in porch on the right side of, monomial " aigret " , also be the name of goodwife. ─── 高先生把岳父大人赠予的一幅字摆在玄关右侧,单字一个“鹭”,也是女主人的名。

42、monomial character ─── 单项特征标

43、monomial form ─── 单项形式

44、Students in control group applied traditional monomial nursing experiment teaching method. ─── 对照组按传统的单项急救护理实验项目教学;

45、Result shows that monomial exponential attenuation model can be used to simulate decay process of fallen woods. The decomposition constant of Abies fallen wood is 0.0168/a(r 2=0.9483),while fallen wood of Picea is 0.0150/a(r 2=0.8895). ─── 研究表明 ,云冷杉倒木的腐烂分解过程符合单项指数衰减模型 ,冷杉倒木的分解常数为 0 .0 1 6 8/a( r2 =0 .94 83) ,云杉倒木为 0 .0 1 5 0 /a( r2 =0 .8895 )。

46、monomial submodules ─── 单项子模

47、monomial submodule ─── 单项子模块

48、triangular monomial algebra ─── 三角monomial代数

49、monomial matrix ─── 单项阵

50、irrational monomial expression ─── 无理单项式

51、For monomial dynamical systems, that is, a system that can be described by monomials, information about the limit cycles can be obtained from the monomials themselves. ─── 小至声波的传递让自然的万物得以简单的传递讯息,大致剧烈的地壳能量释放造成的地震摧毁生物赖以维生的环境。

52、The algorithm uses primary decomposition of monomial ideals as the principal tool. ─── 该算法使用的主要分解单项理想的主要工具。

53、A Solution to the Envelope of a Sort of Monomial Parameter in the Family of Seurfac ─── 一类单参曲面族的包络的求法

54、Some Human resources management systems have been implemented in library management in our country, but the monomial systems can't bring about whole function of human resources management. ─── 摘要我国图书馆管理中实施了一些人力资源管理制度。

55、Collecting a large number of atmosphere, soil and irrigation water, using the method of monomial and composite pollution exponent, the general situation of grain early warning is studied and a grain early warning system is built. ─── 本文从粮食生产过程中的大气、土壤及农田灌溉水出发,运用单项污染指数与综合污染指数相结合的评价方法进行粮食生产的预警研究,构建了粮食本底安全预警系统。

56、But, an excellent ship navigation performance design demands to be considered the above monomial navigation performance.It is a difficulty now. ─── 但是,优秀的船舶航行性能设计要综合考虑上述单项航行性能,这是目前的一个难点。

57、The algorithm USES primary decomposition of monomial ideals as the principal tool. ─── 该算法使用的主要分解单项理想的主要工具。

58、The Research Of Analysis Method Of economic Benefit Of The Monomial Medical Equipment ─── 单项医疗设备经济效益分析方法初探

59、admissible monomial ─── 容许单项式

60、Other monomial or special item audit and authentication; ─── 工程造价审核及工程标底、预决算编制、工程监理;

61、monomial equation ─── 单项方程

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