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10-03 投稿


magistracies 发音


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名词复数: magistracies |

magistracies 相似词语短语

1、magisteries ─── 法官

2、magistrality ─── 治安法官

3、magistrates ─── n.地方法官(magistrate的复数);裁判官;地方行政官

4、magistracy ─── n.地方行政官的职位;地方行政长官

5、hagiocracies ─── n.圣徒政治;圣徒政治的政府

6、magistratures ─── n.地方法官;地方行政长官;地方行政官员的职位

7、magistrate ─── n.地方法官;文职官员;治安推事

8、magistrals ─── 法官

9、magistrands ─── 魔法股

magistracies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Duty Lawyer Scheme provides legal representation to virtually all defendants who are charged in the magistracies. ─── 在裁判法院受审的被告,几乎全部都可以获得当值律师计划委派律师代为辩护。

2、The Duty Lawyer Service is an HKSAR government subvented organization offering (1) legal representation in Magistracies; ─── 提供代表律师、免费法律谘询,以及电话法律热线服务。

3、Here are treated in ascending order, the various Republican magistracies and the associated imperial positions. ─── 按照递升次序,下表就是各种共和时代的官员职位以及与之有关的帝国职位。

4、Besides one Chief Magistrate, there are 10 Principal Magistrates, 59 Magistrates and 10 Special Magistrates sitting in 10 magistracies. ─── 目前,全港有十所裁判法院,一名总裁判官,十名主任裁判官,59名裁判官及十名特委裁判官。

5、Here are treated in ascending order, the various Republican magistracies and the associated imperial positions. ─── 按照递升次序,下表就是各种共和时代的官员职位以及与之有关的帝国职位.

6、The service provided by the panel is available to juvenile courts and certain magistracies. ─── 儿童法庭及若干裁判署均设有这项服务。

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