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10-04 投稿


metastasis 发音

英:[mɪ'tæstəsɪs]  美:[mə'tæstəsɪs]

英:  美:

metastasis 中文意思翻译



metastasis 短语词组

1、retrograde metastasis ─── [医] 逆行转移

2、paradoxic metastasis ─── [医] 逆行转移

3、implantation metastasis ─── [医] 植入性转移

4、calcareous metastasis ─── [医] 钙质转移

5、metastasis suppressor ─── 转移抑制因子

6、transplantation metastasis ─── [医] 移植性转移

7、osseous metastasis ─── [医]骨转移

8、metastasis ad nervos ─── [医] 转移到神经

9、carcinomatous metastasis ─── [医] 癌转移

10、biochemical metastasis ─── [医] 生物化学性转移, 代谢性转移

11、contact metastasis ─── [医] 接触性转移

12、metastasis cancer ─── 转移癌

13、direct metastasis ─── [医] 直接转移

14、tumor metastasis ─── [医] 瘤转移

15、crossed metastasis ─── [医] 交叉转移

16、metastasis disease ─── 转移性疾病

17、metastasis free ─── 无转移

18、paradoxical metastasis ─── [医]逆行转移

metastasis 词性/词形变化,metastasis变形

形容词: metastatic |名词复数: metastases |副词: metastatically |

metastasis 相似词语短语

1、metabasis ─── 转移;病状转变

2、metastases ─── n.转移(metastasis的复数)

3、metastasize ─── vi.转移;迁徙

4、metastasises ─── n.转移;新陈代谢;[地质]同质蜕变

5、catastasis ─── n.戏剧的高潮;大祸临发生之前之紧张情节

6、metastasised ─── 转移的

7、metastasise ─── 转移

8、Metastasio ─── 转移

9、metastasizes ─── vi.转移;迁徙

metastasis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is useful to re-resect after recurrence or metastasis. ─── 复发、转移患者仍应以手术切除为主,且有一定的治愈率。

2、The metastatic part: Metastasis means the tumor spread outside its original site. ─── 关于转移:转移意味着散肿瘤向外扩散。

3、MRI also suggested hepatic metastasis in 4 cases, portal vein invasion in 7 cases. ─── MRI发现 4例肝转移 ,7例门静脉主干或分支受累。

4、EMT play an important role in tumor metastasis. ─── EMT与肿瘤细胞的侵袭和转移关系密切。

5、Its protein product was found to also suppress metastasis of melanoma cells and murine mammary carcinoma cells. ─── 它所编码的蛋白还可以抑制黑素瘤细胞和小鼠乳腺癌细胞的转移。

6、The expression of APC in GC was related with lymph node metastasis(P

7、Malignant melanoma has a tendency to metastasize to the lung during the course of tumor growth, but endobronchial metastasis is rare. ─── 恶性黑色素细胞瘤在生长的过程中常有转移至肺部的现象,但是支气管内转移则是非常罕见。

8、APN has been also reported to play an important role in the invasion and metastasis of malignant tumor cells in vitro. ─── 体外试验证实APN在恶性肿瘤细胞的侵袭与转移过程中起重要作用。

9、One case un derwent partial cystectomy and metastasis of lymph-node was founded 30 months l ater. ─── 1例行膀胱部分切除术 ,30个月后出现淋巴结转移 ;

10、AMF-R and RhoC gene play an important role in invasion and metastasis of HCC. ─── AMF R和RhoCmRNA的过表达促进HCC的侵袭和转移 ,两者在HCC中的表达具有相关性

11、There was no pulmonary metastasis found. ─── 另有一病例于发病同时检测出直肠癌。

12、LOH of D14S62 in MTAl locus may abrogate the functions of MTAl, and it may impede the process of metastasis of NSCLC. ─── MTA1区域D14S62发生LOH可能导致MTA1功能丧失,阻碍非小细胞肺癌的转移过程。

13、Antioxidant represses the cancer metastasis through scavenging ROS. ─── 抗氧化剂可以通过清除活性氧化物而抑制癌转移的发生。

14、But the most important thing is that we must pay more attention to metastasis and recurrence of HCC. ─── 但是最为重要的是我们必须关注肝癌转移和复发的问题。

15、Aspirin's ability to slow metastasis may be linked to its effect on platelets, the clotting bodies in the blood, said the scientists. ─── 阿司匹林之所以能够使(癌细胞)转移变慢,可能是因为它能对血小板这个血液中的凝结结构发挥作用,科学家们说。

16、DCC and PTEN expression were correlated with invasion and metastasis of colorectal carcinoma. ─── DCC和PTEN表达与大肠癌浸润转移密切相关。

17、Key words: Vitamin K2;invasion;metastasis;hepatocellular carcinoma cells. ─── 关键词:维生素K2;肝癌;侵袭;转移;生长抑制。

18、LVD related with lymph node metastasis(P

19、Interactions were identified between metastasectomy and disease-free interal and presence of extrathoracic metastasis. ─── 我们鉴别了转移瘤切除术、无病生存时间、胸腔外转移之间的相互影响。

20、CT is a valuable method in detection of splenic metastasis. ─── CT为发现脾转移瘤较好的检查方法。

21、A few of cases may be due to hematogenous metastasis. ─── 少数病例也可经血行转移至前尿道。

22、Objective: To evaluate CT features of papillary carcinoma of thyroid with lymph node metastasis (LN-M). ─── 摘要目的:评价甲状腺乳头状癌及淋巴结转移的CT特点。

23、It is also a potent inhibitor of heparanase,an enzyme that plays a key role in both tumor metastasis and angiogenesis. ─── 同时它也是一种强效的乙酰肝素酶抑制剂,乙酰肝素酶是一种在肿瘤转移以及血管生长过程中起关键作用的酶。

24、The DCC LOH might enhance the progression of metastasis in colorectal cancers. ─── DCC基因的杂合缺失可能对肿瘤的转移起促进作用。

25、Objective To evaluate the effect of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on transvascular metastasis of sarcoma cells. ─── 摘要目的:评价肝细胞生长因子(HGF)在纤维肉瘤细胞血行转移中的作用。

26、The main task for postdoctoral fellow is to investigate mechanism of metastasis of prostate cancer. ─── 主要研究前列腺癌转移的发生机制。

27、The hRAD17 messenger RNA is frequently detected in NSCLC and its expression is correlated with lymph node metastasis. ─── hRAD17基因在肺癌中高表达 ,其阳性表达与淋巴结转移密切相关。

28、Lung metastasis appeared in one case, and its histological grading was grade II by jaffe et al. ─── 但对于预防复发最重要的还是手术边缘。

29、My project in the lab was to study the role of lymphatic vasculature in the metastasis of prostate cancer. ─── 我的实验项目是关于淋巴管在前列腺癌转移中的作用。

30、The total accuracy of UMP in diagnosis of lymph node metastasis was 80.9%. ─── 对胃壁外淋巴结诊断准确率为80.9%。

31、No tumor metastasis was found in those cases, except in 3 patients ureteral lumen infiltration was found. ─── 发现肿瘤时均无远处转移,3例肾盂尿路上皮癌患者肿瘤侵犯输尿管腔。

32、COX-2 and VEGF may act on the metastasis of HCC. ─── COX- 2及VEGF均与肝癌的转移相关;

33、ICTP was much more worthy than NTX in diagnosis of breast cancer with bone metastasis. ─── 成骨型生化指标在乳腺癌骨转移诊治中的价值不大。

34、Clinically, distant metastasis happens more frequently than the local recurrence. ─── 一般临床上远处转移的机会又比局部复发的可能性较高。

35、Metastasis of the unfavorable histology of nephroblastoma tended to be far from the diaphragm. ─── “不顺利”型肿瘤有远隔转移倾向。

36、The distant metastasis rate was 20.8% in group A and 30% in B group(P

37、A negative correlation is found between Mta-1 and ER in inva- sion and metastasis of BTCCs. ─── Mta-1在BTCC侵袭和转移中的作用亦与ER的负调节机制有关。

38、We consider the mucosa and submucosa carcinoma without lymphatic metastasis as early gastric carcinoma. ─── 作者认为,位于粘膜和粘膜下层的胃癌,只有无周围淋巴结转移者,才能称为早期胃癌。

39、With functions of activating ,purifying and disinfecting , Using chronically can improve metastasis and prolong life. ─── 具有活化、净化、抗菌等功能,长期使用促进新陈代谢,延年益寿。

40、The most common sites of metastasis are regional lymph nodes, lung, liver, brain, skin, and bone. ─── 常见的转移位置为淋巴结、肺、肝、脑、皮肤及骨头,骨骼肌肉内转移则非常罕见。

41、Lymph nodes metastasis rate of SH(+,++) and GCH(+,++) is low . ─── SH ,GCH患者胃癌第一站淋巴结转移率较低 ;

42、Metastasis is one of the major causes of mortality in cancer patients. ─── 摘要癌转移是引起癌症患者死亡的一个主要原因。

43、OBJECTIVE: lymphatic metastasis of breast cancer is one of the main means of transfer in breast cancer. ─── 目的:淋巴道转移是乳腺癌的主要转移途径之一。

44、He has chemotherapy once a week to prevent further metastasis. ─── 他每周接受一次化疗,以防癌细胞进一步扩散。

45、The DNA ploidy,tumor markers and E CD can predict the metastasis degree. ─── DNA、肿瘤标志物,E-CD显示了预测转移程度的潜能。

46、The role of gonadotropins in regulating the proliferation, surial, and metastasis of OEC is next summarized. ─── 促性腺激素在OEC中调节增生,存活以及转移有待于进一步总结。

47、The activation of PKC is closely correlated with the tumorigenesis,development and metastasis. ─── PKC的活化与肿瘤的发生、发展、转移等密切相关。

48、In 18 cases in which the tumor size was less than 3cm in diameter,no lymph node metastasis was found. ─── 其中肿瘤

49、The patients with local recurrence or lymph node metastasis can still get a high survival rate after reoperation. ─── 对术后复发或颈淋巴结转移者行再手术,仍能获得较高生存率。

50、DFSP with regional lymphatic metastasis is rarely seen, and literature is reviewed for the management of such patients. ─── 就突出性皮纤维肉瘤而言,此为少见的淋巴转移病例。相关文献亦被浏览以处理此类病人。

51、KODAK IS2000MM could be used to monitor tumor metastasis and dissemination non-invasively. ─── KODAK IS2000MM能够非侵入性和无创性检测肿瘤转移。

52、A case of subungual amelanotic malignant melanoma with distant lymph node metastasis is reported. ─── 报告1例甲下无色素性黑素瘤远端淋巴结转移。

53、However, the mechanism of ESCC metastasis is unclear. ─── 但是,食管癌转移发生的分子机制尚不清楚。

54、Tumor cell adhension, moving and angiogenesis is the most important step in tumor metastasis. ─── 国内外研究表明,肿瘤转移过程中肿瘤细胞粘附、运动能力的改变,与细胞外基质间的相互作用以及肿瘤血管形成是肿瘤浸润转移的关键环节。

55、Colo 205 cells may have the higher metastasis potential. ─── 大肠癌Co?lo?205 细胞可能具有较高的转移能力。

56、Three cases w ith endodermal sinus tumor died of metastasis. ─── 3例内胚窦瘤术后均死于肿瘤广泛转移。

57、Approximately one third of all patients with malignant disease have hepatic metastasis. ─── 在有恶性病变的全部病人中,大约1/3有肝转移。

58、Relapse and metastasis are the main causes responsible for failure of surgical operation in treating malignant tumors. ─── 复发和转移是恶性肿瘤手术治疗失败的主要原因。

59、"What results is a new and aggressive cancer phenotype that promotes both tumor growth and metastasis. ─── 从而促进肿瘤生长和侵袭,其结果是一种新的具有侵袭性的肿瘤表现型。”

60、The most common neoplasm in bone is a metastasis. ─── 大多数骨肿瘤都是转移瘤。

61、This process is referred to as metastasis. ─── 这一过程被称之为转移。

62、Supposing that there is no evidence of secondary metastasis, the treatment is operative. ─── 假如没有继发性转移的证据,就可用手术治疗。

63、Thus, they remain after tumors shrink and may be responsible for cancer recurrence and metastasis. ─── 因此,在肿瘤萎缩后他们还会残留,并可能和复发和转移。

64、Distribution of lymph node metastasis in T1 sigmoid colon carcinoma: Should we ligate the inferior mesenteric artery? ─── T1期乙状结肠癌淋巴结转移的分布:是否结扎肠系膜下动脉?

65、"One of the best predictors of systemic cancer spread is whether the draining lymph node has any signs of metastasis, " he said. ─── 其中一个最好的预测肿瘤扩散系统是看引流淋巴结是否有转移迹象。

66、MMP-9 and LMP-1 being highly expressed in NPC, is apt to be used of predictor of distant metastasis. ─── MMP-9、LMP-1在鼻咽癌中的阳性表达,与远处转移明显相关,可做为预测鼻咽癌远处转移的指标。

67、CT is valuable for the qualitative diagnosis of ovarian epithelioma and the detecting metastasis focus in abdomen. ─── CT对卵巢上皮癌的定性诊断及对腹腔转移和种植病灶的检出有很高价值

68、The process of metastasis or cancer spread is still much of a mystery to scientists. ─── 对科学家来说,癌症的转移过程至今仍是一个谜。

69、The solitary LN metastasis was one of the independent prognostic factors for the patients enrolled. ─── 孤立淋巴结转移是影响本组患者预后的独立危险因素之一。

70、Histopathological examination confirmed metanephric adenoma. She was followed up for one year and there was no recurrence or metastasis. ─── 目前病患接受术后定期追踪已逾一年,没有发现局部复发或转移。

71、The research could lead to new therapies for preventing cancer metastasis. ─── 这项研究将会引发癌转移的新疗法。

72、A great deal of studies showed that they have th e important role in invasiveness and metastasis of breast carcinoma. ─── 大量研究表明,它们在乳腺癌的浸润和转移中起着极为重要的作用。

73、Expression of PCNA was related to Dukes stages and lymphatic metastasis. ─── PCNA表达与Dukes分期及淋巴结转移有关。

74、We evaluated the surgical results in 32 patients with liver metastasis from colorectal carcinoma. ─── 报告32例结直肠癌肝转移的手术切除效果,其中肝脏有1-3个转移灶者24例。

75、"That gives us a real shot at developing a drug that will inhibit metastasis, " he said in a statement. ─── 他在陈述中说道:“这将使我们集中精力开发一种可抑制转移的药物。”

76、The key for liver cancer therapy is to inhibit the recrudesce and metastasis of cancer. ─── 对肝癌治疗来说,防止癌的复发(或再发)与转移是其主要目标。

77、Chemotherapy with Bonin was better than chemotherapy in curing bone metastasis. ─── 博宁联合化疗治疗骨转移癌引起的疼痛效果优于单纯联合化疗

78、Bone marrow metastasis of colorectal cancer commonly occurs subsequent to invasion of the liver and lungs. ─── 摘要结肠直肠癌的骨髓转移通常发生在肝、肺转移之后。

79、Inflammation, tuberculosis, pernicious tumor metastasis through lymph nodes. ─── 局限性淋巴结肿大可见于。

80、While this study sheds valuable light on the mystery of metastasis, there are still areas that puzzle experts. ─── 当这项研究对揭开肿瘤转移之谜露出一线光明时,仍有一些领域困惑着专家们。

81、Neck lymph node metastasis was found in 14 cases (17.1%), multicentric tumors were 8(9.8%). ─── 82例乳头状微小癌中多灶癌8例(9.8%)颈淋巴结转移14例(17.1%)。

82、Does It Stop The Metastasis Of Cancer Cells? ─── 它能否阻止癌细胞的转移?

83、But if a tumor develops into a carcinoma with the ability to metastasize, it will progress to metastasis quickly. ─── 但如果肿瘤转变成癌的话,很快就会发生转移。

84、VEGF could be taken as an index for evaluating the infiltration,metastasis and prognosis of GC. ─── VEGF可作为胃癌浸润、转移及预后的指标之一。

85、MMP exerted an important role in invasion and metastasis of gastrointestinal cancer through degrading the ECM. ─── MMP通过降解细胞外基质及基底膜在胃肠癌的浸润与转移中起重要作用。

86、The med ian of metastasis were 11months for 8patients with metastasis. ─── 8例出现血行转移,中位转移期11月。

87、Loss expression of E-cadherin have relation with metastasis of tumor . ─── 其表达缺失与肿瘤的转移有关。

88、Maignant melanoma of oral mucosa is a rare and disastrous disease, and it is much rarer to have neck metastasis. ─── 摘要口腔黏膜的恶性黑色素瘤颇为少见,由于不易早期诊断,病程又极恶性,所以预后甚差。

89、It was correlated with TNM classification, the neck lymphatic metastasis, recurrence and the survival rate(P< 0.05). ─── HPA蛋白的表达与TNM分期、颈淋巴结转移率、复发率及5a生存率有关(P

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