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10-02 投稿


macroscopic 发音

英:[ˌmækrəˈskɒpɪk]  美:[ˌmækrəʊˈskɒpɪk]

英:  美:

macroscopic 中文意思翻译



macroscopic 同义词


macroscopic 词性/词形变化,macroscopic变形

异体字: macroscopical |副词: macroscopically |

macroscopic 短语词组

1、macroscopic compressibility approxinnation ─── [化] (MCA)宏观可压缩性近似

2、macroscopic inspection ─── [机] 目视检验

3、macroscopic equilibrium state ─── [化] 宏观平衡状态; 热力学平衡

4、macroscopic parameter ─── [化] 宏观参数; 状态变量

5、macroscopic irregularity ─── [化] 外观缺陷

6、macroscopic constant ─── [化] 宏观常数

7、macroscopic variables ─── [化] 宏观变量; 状态函数

8、macroscopic state ─── [化] 宏观态

9、macroscopic examination ─── [化] 低倍检验; 宏观检验

10、macroscopic quantity ─── [化] 宏观量

11、macroscopic cross-section ─── [化] 宏观截面

12、macroscopic damage ─── [化] 宏观损伤

13、macroscopic thermodynamics ─── [化] 宏观热力学; 唯象热力学

14、macroscopic agglutination ─── [医] 肉眼凝集 ─── [现象]

15、macroscopic acidity constant ─── [化] 宏观酸度常数

16、macroscopic system ─── [化] 热力学体系

17、macroscopic film ─── 宏观薄膜

18、macroscopic anatomy ─── [医]大体解剖学

19、macroscopic irreversibility ─── [化] 宏观不可逆性

macroscopic 反义词


macroscopic 常用词组

macroscopic view ─── 宏观

macroscopic analysis ─── 宏观分析

macroscopic examination ─── 宏观检验,低倍检验

macroscopic 相似词语短语

1、microscopic ─── adj.微观的;用显微镜可见的

2、microscopical ─── adj.显微镜的

3、macrosporic ─── 大孔

4、dichroscopic ─── 二色镜的

5、gastroscopic ─── 胃镜检查的;胃镜的

6、necroscopic ─── 尸检

7、laparoscopic ─── adj.腹腔镜检查的

8、baroscopic ─── 气压计

9、microscopist ─── n.[光]显微镜工作者;[光]显微镜学家

macroscopic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The keywords: macroscopic distribution, law, the constellation drawing of price. ─── 关键词:宏观分配、律,价格星座图。

2、The properties of solid materials in nano scale are considerably different from those in macroscopic scale. ─── 固体材料性能在纳米尺度和宏观尺度下明显不同。

3、They resolve slivers of the world as small as a wavelength of light, 1,000 times as small as anything we notice in the macroscopic world. ─── 它们解析仅有光波波长尺度的微小世界,展现出比我们平日所见的还要小1000倍的微观世界。

4、And continue to derive the macroscopic entropy changes. ─── 继续得到宏观的熵变。

5、We consider the macroscopic thermal properties of the gas throughout the interstellar region ionized by an exciting star or group of stars. ─── 我们将考察被一颗或一群激发星电离的星际区域中各种气体的宏观热力学性质。

6、For any complex macroscopic structural or dynamic description of a system, one can conceive of that description being instantiated without consciousness. ─── 对任何复杂的宏观的结构或动力机制的系统描述,一个人能设想这描述可以没有意识也出现。

7、On the view of macroscopic, we definite the process Coagu-flocculation for three phases: mix, coagulation, flocculation. ─── 在宏观上,定义混凝过程为混合、凝聚和絮凝3个阶段。

8、The one on the basis of mine developing stages, although describing the various problems which the mines face in the whole mining history it looks macroscopic and simple. ─── 依据矿山开发阶段所进行的划分方案,虽然刻画了矿山开发演变整个历史过程中所面临的不同问题,但较为宏观简单;

9、The reform must be supported by the macroscopic economic theory. ─── 个人所得税改革必须依靠经济学宏观理论的支持。

10、The physically economic period is measure by actual citizen's total output value of, the economic period is the center problem of the macroscopic economics concern then. ─── 实际的经济周期是由实际的国民生产总值来衡量的,经济周期则是宏观经济学关注的中心问题。

11、When faced with starvation, cells form a macroscopic fruiting body containing thousands of resting myxospores. ─── 又能在饥饿的条件下聚集形成子实体结构以及抗逆性的粘孢子。

12、Forced diagram true face going to deoxidation left wing film literature and left wing literature and art in macroscopic view. ─── 力图在宏观上还原左翼电影文学以及左翼文艺的真实面貌。

13、The linking process form microcracks to a fatal macroscopic crack is dominated by the strong interaction among neighboring microcracks. ─── 微裂纹串接为宏观灾难性裂纹的过程取决于相邻微裂纹的强相互作用。

14、And then saying, well, OK, my macroscopic stuff is just a collection of those microscopic entities. ─── 然后说,好的,我们的宏观物质,只是大量微观物体的集合。

15、Analyses the essence and key elements of costume culture from a macroscopic angle of human development and Points out its developmental trend in the 21st century. ─── 从人类发展的宏观角度,剖析了服装文化的本质,阐述了服装文化的要素;指出21世纪服装文化的发展方向。

16、In the construction of express highway the demand of macroscopic quality of concrete structure is more and more high. ─── 在高速公路建设中,对混凝土构造物的外观质量要求越来越高。

17、On the basis of subchapter 1, penman sets forth the perfection of entitative law, which from macroscopic andmicrocosmic aspects. ─── 以此为铺垫,第二节中笔者分别从宏观和微观角度阐述如何完善环境犯罪的实体法。

18、In a macroscopic point of view, the long lasted prosperous business in Venice is based on its centralized social class structure and its many faceted system of government. ─── 威尼斯所具有的一元化的社会阶级结构和多重化的政府体制是其商业长久繁荣的社会基础。 然而,这只是宏观的视野。

19、However, the impacts of Christianity on the Hakka people from the macroscopic angle are not paid more attention. ─── 应该在总结前人研究的基础上,对这一问题进行较为详细的探讨。

20、Its kinematic shows some macroscopic and microscopic marks such as S-C structural fabric, S-L structural fabric and rotational porphyroclast, ect. ─── 吴川-四会断裂带的运动方式为滑块型对冲式剪切,其运动学标志有S-C组构、S-L组构、旋转残斑等宏观微观域标志。

21、The observations are first formulated in a set of rules, leading to a macroscopic growth lattice and to continuous growth boundaries. ─── 的意见,首先是制定一套规则,导致宏观增长格子,并持续增长的界限。

22、From the point of macroscopic view, M&Ais beneficent to raise economic effects of the total society and make superior resource allocation. ─── 宏观上,并购有利于提高社会整体经济效益,优化资源配置,可以盘活原先效率低下的资源存量。

23、From the macroscopic and microcosmic angle, it explores the causes of it, then puts forward the four-in-one prevention measures. ─── 并从宏观和微观的角度探究引发农村青少年犯罪原因,以此为基点提出“四位一体的”预防对策。

24、The detection of macroscopic defects almost always implies a corrective action, i. E. The elimination of the defects by mechanical means. ─── 发现了外观缺陷,几乎就意味着有了补救的措施,如通过机械手段消除缺陷。

25、Put forward the measure of preventing of victim of false pretenses from the three views of macroscopic, the middle, microcosmic and three aspects of advance, going on, afterwards. ─── 从宏观,中观和微观三个层次,以及事前预防,事中预防,事后预防三个方面提出了诈骗罪被害预防的措施。

26、From the macroscopic properties of gravity you can work out what the graviton should be like. ─── 从引力的宏观属性,你可以推算出引力子的大致情况。

27、Since this year, although enterprise's fund universal anxious, but that is as a result of the double tight macroscopic policy decision. ─── 今年以来,虽然企业的资金普遍紧张,但那是由于双紧的宏观政策决定的。

28、Regarding these conflicts we must seek the reason in Chinese society reforming in the macroscopic background. ─── 对于这些冲突,要到中国社会转型的宏观背景中寻找原因;

29、Moreover, the bloating postpones, the credit to relax, the fiscal stimulus and so on anticipated also quietly to change the market public figure to the macroscopic anticipation. ─── 另外,通胀放缓、信贷放松、财政刺激等预期也在悄然改变着市场人士对宏观的期待。

30、The temperature that PCR chips needed is controlled approximately by unitized macroscopic subsystem in which water as heat medium is pumped through a special heat exchanger. ─── 宏观集中控制装置以水为传热媒质通过特制换热器给芯片提供聚合酶反应所需的基本温度;

31、Safety analysis and the safety prediction base on that is the part of macroscopic safety research. ─── 安全分析及其在此基础上的安全预测是宏观安全研究的重要组成部分。

32、The "wave" properties of macroscopic matter are not apparent because the wavelength is undetectably small. ─── 宏观物质的波动特性不明显,因为其波长很短,难以被察觉。

33、On macroscopic structures of the fagaceous woods in Kwangtung in relation to classification and distribution. ─── 广东壳斗科木材的宏观结构及其与分类分布的关系.

34、Conservation laws make it possible to predict the macroscopic Behaviour of a system without having to consider the microscopic details of a physical process or chemical reaction. ─── 。守恒定律使得人们可能预言系统的宏观行为而无须考虑物理变化和化学反应过程的微观细节

35、Sephadex is a group of highly specialized gelfiltration and chromatographic media which composed of macroscopic beads synthetically derived from the polysaccharide,dextran. ─── 交联葡聚糖凝胶)是多糖类物质,尽管其结构、性能较稳定,但在压力、强酸、氧化剂存在情况下,也会发生部分糖苷键水解,或凝胶交联结构受损。

36、The porosity and permeability of reservoir are macroscopic reflection of microscopic reservoir pore structure characteristics. ─── 储层孔隙度和渗透率参数是储层微观孔隙结构特征的宏观综合表现。

37、As a macroscopic quantum system, BEC has macroscopic wave-function. Its phase is coherent and it can exhibit special macroscopic quantum phenomena. ─── BEC作为宏观量子系统,具有宏观波函数,整个体系是相位相干的,能够表现特有的宏观量子现象。

38、At intervals during the incubation period and at its conclusion, examine the media for macroscopic evidence of microbial growth. ─── 在培养期中间的观测点和作结论时,检查该培养基是否有肉眼可见的微生物生长的证据。

39、Strong foliation, stretching lineation, a-type folds, sheath folds and mylonite, these structural characteristics only reflect macroscopic evidence. ─── 强烈的片理、拉伸线理、a型褶皱、鞘褶皱以及糜棱岩,这些构造特征仅仅反映出宏观的证据。

40、The mechanism of hyperthemia and chemotherapy in the treatment of the tumor cells was explored at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. ─── 从宏观到微观,深入探讨了热疗与化疗协同作用对肿瘤细胞杀伤作用的机理。

41、After studying the macroscopic and microcosmic features, the authors discussed the genetic mechanism of the conglomerate. ─── 在研究该砾岩宏观和微观特徵的基础上,认为其形成机制为伸展机制下的构造拆离。

42、Abstract: The music instrument classification generally used the conception and method of macroscopic and submicroscopic in the West music system for long time. ─── 内容提要: 长期以来,在西方音乐体系里较多习用宏观分类法和微观分类法这一对乐器分类观念和方法。

43、The HPP-mCFU-MK was not only able to form macroscopic colonies that fit the criteria of the HPP-CFC colony, but also tc grow a number of megakaryocytes. ─── 发现HPP-mCFU-MK不但能形成符合HPP-CFC标准的巨大集落,而且能产生大量的巨核细胞。

44、On the other hand, science and technology influence the development to Circular Economy as macroscopic regulating and managing methods. ─── 另一方面,科学技术作为宏观调控及管理手段对循环经济发展起到支撑作用。

45、By day 4, we observed macroscopic contractions. ─── 到第4天,我们观察到了肉眼可见的收缩。

46、Under the right conditions, a fluid can turn into a superfluid, governed by quantum mechanics even on macroscopic scales. ─── 在正确的条件下,流体会转变成超流体,而后者由量子力学所支配,就算在巨观尺度下也一样。

47、The macroscopic descriptions on the motion and deformation of continua in Continuum Mechanics are phenomenological. ─── 宏、微观相结合的研究也是其深入发展的重要方向之一。

48、Phenomenology of mechanical behavior of materials at the macroscopic level. ─── 巨观尺度下材料机械性质之现象学。

49、Traditionally they have worked in the mainly empirical sub-macro realm of unit operations, with some analysis of microscopic phenomena and macroscopic plant design. ─── 化学工程师们传统的工作领域是以经验为主的半宏观的单元操作,结合一些微观现象的分析和宏观的工厂设计。

50、Based on the macroscopic characteristics, microstructure and fabric of the tectonite in the Yingxin fault zone,this paper proves that there are two types of tectonite, i. ─── 依据龙门山中段映秀断裂带构造岩的宏观地质特征、显微构造及组构特征,论证了构造岩具有脆性和韧性两大类型,形成序次上为先韧性后脆性。

51、Macroscopic deviations from isotropy occur due to bedding, schistosity and also sometimes fracturing. ─── 与各向同性相差很大的情况往往产生于层理,片理,某些时候则由于断裂所造成。

52、The second led to quantum theory, which accounts for the behavior of microscopic systems and even macroscopic systems under certain circumstances. ─── 只有量子力学才能解释微观系统的行为,甚至在某些特定情况下的巨观系统。

53、In the mineable C3 coal seam at Dazhuba coalfield,macroscopic type mainly consist of semi-bright fine coal,secondarily semi-dull and semi-bright lump coal. ─── 大竹坝井田全区可采煤层C3,宏观煤岩类型主要为半亮型粉煤,其次为半暗型、半亮型块煤。煤种为中灰中高硫特低磷高热值贫煤。

54、Clustering, originating from the small-world concept, is often measured by the clustering coefficient-a macroscopic topological metric. ─── 聚团性是复杂网络的一个重要特性,它源于小世界网络模型,通常都用聚集系数来衡量。

55、To understand macroscopic level of international health promotion trend, health promotion policies, and be able to connect issues globally. ─── 从宏观面了解世界健康促进潮流,与国家健康促进政策,与国际接轨。

56、From 2004, the state has exerted macroscopic adjustments on real estate market, and received unfavorable outputs. ─── 2004年至今,国家多次运用宏观调控对房地产价格降温,效果并不理想。

57、Diffusion by reflection in which, on the macroscopic scale, there is no regular reflection. ─── 宏观角上来说是没有规则透射的那种透射。

58、Makes a macroscopic description by this on the current farmer social stratum differentiation. ─── 以此对当前的农民阶层分化做一个宏观描述。

59、Regional ecological security research has the macroscopic and target characteristics, and the assessment standards are relative and in development. ─── 区域生态安全研究具有宏观性和针对性的特点,评价标准具有相对性和发展性。

60、The CRs describe the macroscopic properties of the medium being considered. ─── CR描述物質的巨觀性質。現在熱門的奈米科技則是利用物質的微觀特性,

61、So in other words, macroscopic thermodynamic properties come straight out of our microscopic model of statistical mechanics. ─── 换句话说,宏观的热力学性质可以,从微观模型,的统计力学得到。

62、The microscopic and macroscopic self-assembly behaviors were analyzed by transmission electron micrographs (TEM) and optical microscope (OMS). ─── 分析了聚酯和聚醚支化聚合物的宏观、微观自组装现象;

63、There were no statistical differences in the age, sex, length of GSV harvested, and macroscopic GSV quality between the two groups. ─── 两组间年龄、性别、大隐静脉长度无统计学差异,均未出现与静脉桥血管质量相关的近、远期并发症。

64、Conjugation exists widely from microscopic to macroscopic world, from inorganic universe to organic universe and from biological universe to human society. ─── 从微观到宏观,从无机到有机,从生物界到人类社会,共轭关系广泛存在。

65、In what seemed a logical extension, we have tried, a bit naively, to use macroscopic imagery to describe submicroscopic entities. ─── 似乎是作为这种做法的一种逻辑推广,我们有点天真地试图用宏观形象来描述亚微观体。

66、Generally speaking the target of the macroscopic economic policy is to control below 3% the inflation rate and jobless rate at 5%. ─── 一般来说宏观经济政策的目标是把通货膨胀率控制在3%以下,失业率在5%。

67、English: 121.The ‘wave’ properties of macroscopic matter are not apparent because the wavelength is undetectably small. ─── 中文: 宏观物质的波动特性不明显,因为其波长很短,难以被察觉。

68、He said, China macroscopic economic readjustment and control in recent years has been successful. ─── 他说,近年来中国金融宏观调控是成功的。

69、In addition, analyze from macroscopic perspective, predict the developing direction of international trade and the changing of world form in the future. ─── 并从宏观角度分析、预测了今后国际贸易形式的发展方向和世界形式的变化。

70、Uing the macroscopic response formalism,dispersion interaction energy of all dimensions are obtained on the basis of the nature of the interaction. ─── 基于色散作用的本质,利用宏观电介质形式,更一般且更简捷地得到了各种维度的色散作用能.

71、And other macroscopic quantities. ─── 以及其他的宏观量。

72、The monitoring to earth transmutation, ground water line, deep slide mass displacement and macroscopic state have actualized for Huoshitan landslide. ─── 对该滑坡进行大地形变监测、地下水位监测、滑体深部位移监测和宏观监测;

73、The Central Bank also is mainly discusses in the macroscopic angle to the risk monitor question. ─── 中央银行还主要是在宏观的角度上来谈对风险的监测问题。

74、With any change of structure, whether it be microscopic or macroscopic, there is some degree of change of function. ─── 只要结构发生任何变化,不论肉眼能否看得见,在功能上也会有某种程度的变化。

75、At the macroscopic level, an ideal gas is defined by a process of extrapolation. ─── 从宏观角度看,理想气体的定义是由推论而得来的。

76、Macroscopic backdropthat room established and concrete course were introduced. ─── 介绍了该室成立的宏观背景和具体经过。

77、Introduces aspects of statistical thermodynamics as they relate to macroscopic equilibrium phenomena. ─── 介绍与宏观平衡现象相联系的统计热力学方面的知识。

78、The latest achievements of the study of the microscopic structures and macroscopic properties of PPS/polymer alloy are described briefly. ─── 并概述了PPS聚合物合金的微观结构与宏观性能的近期研究成果。

79、A macroscopic investigation on American history by conservatism is recognized in the long river of history are helpful to be understood each other. ─── 从保守主义这一视角对美国历史进行宏观考察,同时在历史的长镜头中辨认出保守主义,有助于对两者的深入理解。

80、The planning of the regional educational development(PORED)belongs to the macroscopic educational category. ─── 区域教育发展规划属于宏观教育研究范畴。

81、With regularly oriented iron fibers,stratified polycrystalline iron fibers absorbing material shows macroscopic electromagnetic anisotropy. ─── 层状多晶铁纤维吸波材料中铁纤维分层取向规则排列,吸波材料表现为宏观各向异性。

82、The 'wave' properties of macroscopic matter are not apparent because the wavelength is undetectably small. ─── 宏观物质的波动特性不明显,因为其波长很短,难以被察觉。

83、The phenomenon of the circulation of China's macroscopic economy current is demand scarcity, supply excess, but the essence of the problem is the invalid supply excess. ─── 中国目前宏观经济运行过程中出现的需求不足、给过剩现象只是问题的表象,而问题的实质却是无效供给过剩,有效供给不足。

84、Therefore it is necessary for the government to proceed macroscopic guide and make innovations to the real estate exploitation. ─── 因此,政府进行宏观调控和对房地产开发进行创新是房地产业可持续发展的必由之路。

85、The geometrical form is enlightened from macroscopic universe structure and microscopic life structure. ─── 建筑的几何形态启发于宏观的宇宙结构与微观的生命结构,两者具有某种暗合的相似性。

86、HMM consists of two components : selection of a macroscopic solver on a macroscale grid, and estimating the missing macroscale data by solving locally the fine scale problem. ─── HMM包括两部分的内容:一是在宏观尺度网格上选择一个宏观算法;二是通过解局部的细网格问题来估算未知的宏观尺度数据。所以这一方法的关键:一是如何选择宏观算法;

87、Information policies is an importance means that country information circulation proceed macroscopic management, is importance ensure of information build develop. ─── 信息政策是对国家信息活动进行宏观管理的重要手段,是信息化建设发展的重要保障。

88、Between the macroscopic and the microscopic. ─── 而宏观量与微观量之间。

89、Both microscopic and macroscopic characteristics of sediment motion are investigated by changing the concentration of cohesionless sediment particles. ─── 利用固体颗粒运动的动理论,通过改变颗粒浓度可以考察非粘性颗粒在水流中运动的典型微观和宏观运动特性。

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