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10-03 投稿


maidenhood 发音

英:['meɪdnhʊd]  美:['medn,hʊd]

英:  美:

maidenhood 中文意思翻译



maidenhood 网络释义

maidenhood 相似词语短语

1、maidenheads ─── n.处女膜;处女性

2、maidenhead ─── n.处女膜;处女性

3、matronhood ─── n.女总管的职责;女舍监的身份

4、hoydenhood ─── 同性恋,

5、masterhood ─── 首长的身分

6、maidhood ─── 少女时代

7、maidenweed ─── 处女草

8、maidenhair ─── n.孔雀草;掌叶铁线蕨

9、manhood ─── n.成年;男子;男子气概;n.(Manhood)人名;(英)曼胡德

maidenhood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After vows, the bride‘the floral wreath, which symbolizes her maidenhood, is removed and set afire by the mistress of ceremonies. ─── 婚礼宣誓后,象征着新娘少女身份的花环要由婚礼的女主持人取下来烧掉。

2、Tired of her dull marital life, Emma insisted to continue the dreams from her maidenhood. ─── 艾玛一方面对平凡的婚姻生活感到厌倦,一方面继续编织她少女时代的梦想。

3、Just as the kiss of the Prince awakens Sleeping Beauty, so the kiss of her own Prince Charming fractures the bride's slumber of maidenhood and initiates her into adult life. ─── 就像那王子的亲吻唤醒睡美人一样,她可爱的王子的亲吻把新娘从少女时期的酣睡中唤醒,并把她引进成年人的生活。

4、On the way back his evil heart took flame at the sight of Philomela who was then in her beauty of maidenhood. ─── 在返回的途中, 看到菲勒美拉浑身散发出的青春和美丽, 泰诺斯非常嫉妒, 顿生歹意。

5、After vows6), the bride’s floral wreath, which symbolizes her maidenhood, is removed and set afire by the mistress of ceremonies. ─── 婚礼宣誓后, 象征着新娘少女身份的花环要由婚礼的女主持人取下烧掉。

6、So when maidenhood has wandered into the moil of the city, when it is brought within the circle of the "rounder" and the roue, even though it be at the outermost rim, they can come forth and use their alluring arts. ─── 所以那些少女们流落到大城市时,一旦落入了这些浪子和登徒子之流的圈套,即使只是碰到了圈套的最边缘,他们也会走上前来,施展勾搭引诱的花招。

7、All other scenes of earth -- even that village of rural England, where happy infancy and stainless maidenhood seemed yet to be in her mother's keeping, like garments put off long ago -- were foreign to her, in comparison. ─── 世界上别的景色,甚至包括她度过幸福的童年和无瑕的少女时期的英格兰乡村,像是早已换下的衣服,交给她母亲去保管了,相比之下,那些地方在她眼里那是它乡异地了。

8、After vows, the bride's floral wreath, which symbolizes her maidenhood, is removed and set afire by the mistress of ceremonies. ─── 婚礼宣誓后,象征新婚少女身份的花环要由婚礼的女主持人取下烧掉。

9、After vows ,the bride's floral wreath ,which symbolizes her maidenhood ,is removed and set afire by the mistress of ceremonies. ─── 婚礼上宣誓后,象征着新娘少女身份的花环要由婚礼的女主持人取下烧掉。

10、Tired of her dull marital life,Emma insisted to continue the dreams from her maidenhood. ─── 艾玛一方面对平凡的婚姻生活感到厌倦,一方面继续编织她少女时代的梦想。

11、After vows , the bride's floral wreath , which symbolizes her maidenhood , is removed and set afire by the mistress of ceremonies. ─── 婚礼上宣誓后,象征着新娘少女身份的花环要由婚礼的女主持人取下烧掉。

12、The most of her lost interests revived. She took up music again, and languages, drawing, painting, and the other long-discarded delights of her maidenhood. ─── 她重新拣起了放弃多时的爱好,重操音乐、语言、素描、绘画,以及久违了的少女时代的赏心乐事。

13、and the descent for a girl breaking this rule is very swift, since anyone finding her alone with a boy could accuse her of selling her maidenhood. ─── 女子如果违反这个条规,便会立遭贬辱。任何人只要看到她和一个男子在一起,都可以责骂她丧失贞操。

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