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10-04 投稿


marc 发音

英:[mɑ:k]  美:[mɑ:rk]

英:  美:

marc 中文意思翻译



marc 短语词组

1、marc by jacobs ─── 马克·雅各布斯

2、marc o polo n.(Marcopolo) ─── 人名;(罗)马尔科波洛

3、marc ellis ─── 马克·埃利斯

4、daisy marc jacobs ─── 黛西·马克·雅各布斯

5、decadence marc jacobs ─── 颓废的马克·雅各布斯

6、marc evans ─── 马克·埃文斯

7、frere marc ─── 马克兄弟

8、Marc Blitzstein ─── [网络] 布利茨坦;布利兹斯泰因

9、daisy dream marc jacobs ─── 黛西之梦马克·雅各布斯

10、burock marc a md ─── 伯克马克和医学博士

11、gillie and marc ─── 吉利和马克

12、marc o n. ─── 马尔科(人名);显示地图;展现地图

13、footboy marc ─── 马克足球

14、marc ecko ecko ─── 标记

15、marc ellington ─── 马克·艾灵顿

16、marc opolo n.(Marcopolo) ─── 人名;(罗)马尔科波洛

17、marc oliver ─── 马克·奥利弗

18、marc e n.(Marce) ─── 人名;(塞)马尔切,玛尔切(女名);(英)马斯

19、Marc Chagall ─── [网络] 夏卡尔;夏加尔;马克夏卡尔

marc 相似词语短语

1、mar ─── vt.破坏,损毁;损伤;糟蹋;玷污;损坏……外表;n.污点,瑕疵;n.(Mar)(英、俄、以、葡、塞内)马尔(人名)

2、mare ─── n.母马;母驴;月球表面阴暗部;n.(Mare)人名;(意、芬、罗、波、塞)马蕾(女名),马雷;(俄)玛勒;(英)梅尔

3、marcs ─── n.机读目录;(水果,种子等经压榨后的)榨渣;n.(Marc)人名;(塞)马尔茨;(德、俄、法、荷、罗、瑞典、西、英)马克

4、arc ─── n.弧(度);弧光(全称electricarc);弧形物;天穹;adj.圆弧的;反三角函数的;vt.形成电弧;走弧线;n.(Arc)人名;(法)阿尔克

5、mar. ─── abbr.三月(March的缩写)

6、march ─── vi.(坚定地向某地)前进;行军,进军;游行示威;进展,进行;vt.使前进;使行军;n.行进,前进;行军;游行示威;进行曲

7、mac ─── n.(非正式)雨衣;n.(Mac)(美、丹等)马克(人名)

8、Marc ─── n.机读目录;(水果,种子等经压榨后的)榨渣;n.(Marc)人名;(塞)马尔茨;(德、俄、法、荷、罗、瑞典、西、英)马克

9、mara ─── n.玛拉(女子名)

marc 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is incredibly experienced, not only on the business side of gaming a hands-on developer and producer,” said Marc Petit, vice president of product development, Discreet. ─── 他拥有令人难以置信的丰富经验,不仅仅是在商业方面作为一个承前启后的开发商和制作人。”

2、While I base my timing of bust on the 2008 Olympic Games, Marc Faber, however, believes the bust will occur sooner. ─── 在货币和出口政策方面的类似同样重要。

3、Murray was set to meet France's Marc Giquel in the second round of the singles event on Tuesday. ─── 休养一周后,穆雷近日恢复了训练,但是情况并不像预计的那样。

4、Then, just as the meeting is looking like a washout, Goldman analyst Marc Fox lets something slip that starts Heebner's brain whirling. ─── 那时,正在进行中的会议就像是一场洗礼,高盛分析师MarcFox一些不经意的话让Heebner的头脑开始转动起来。

5、Among the libraries with comparatively large holdings, the CMARC is still the most widely used MARC format for cataloging Chinese materials in Taiwan. ─── 台湾的图书馆拥有相当馆藏后,采用机读编目格式做为编目中文资料的依据;

6、James、Marc Sheffler、Sandra Cassel、Lucy Grantham、David Hess、Fred J. ─── 主要演员: Cynthia Carr、Gaylord St.

7、Every year, Marc Chagall yelled at me, huh? ─── |每一年Marc Chagall都要 冲我大喊大叫 知道不?

8、Unsurprisingly, Marc Benioff, Salesforce's founder and chief executive, argues that web applications will spell the “death of software”. ─── Salesforce的创始人兼首席执行官MarcBenioff认为网络应用的兴起将导致“软件的消亡”,他这么想一点也不让人意外。

9、Then in April Dr. Marc O.Yoshizumi, professor of ophthalmology at UCLA's Jules Stein Eye Institute, suggested Cross get tested for amyloidosis. ─── 4月,加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校朱尔斯·斯坦视力协会眼科教授马克·欧·喜纯医生建议克罗斯就淀粉样变性做测试。

10、thing that Laura wanted was that mam and Marc doing that upstairs halfway through a Sunday afternoon. ─── 劳拉最不希望的是老妈和马克在星期天下午在楼上做那件事。

11、April, pp11-27. [40] Jan C.Fransoo, Marc J.F. Wouters, Measuring the bullwhip effect in the supply chain...... ─── 如果谁想学习供应链。我的参照列表对大家可能会有帮助。减少搜索范围[2003-11-0307:09:57

12、tragedy " is a song that i wrote with cory rooney for marc anthony . it was sort of curious" . ─── 悲剧这首歌是我和考瑞洛尼为马克安东尼创作的。

13、Hurry up! Marc and Carl are expecting us. ─── 快点!马克和卡尔在等我们呢。

14、"Gerber Technology has exported products for most of its nearly 40 year history," said Marc T. ─── “格柏科技已有近40年的出口经验。”

15、Back then, the 1,000m could have been a good chance, although the two spots to qualify for the semifinals seemed to be reserved to the top favourites Apolo Ohno and Marc Gagnon. ─── 在那时,1000米还可能是个不错的机会,尽管好像进入半决赛的两个席位已经被顶级种子选手阿波罗"奥诺和马克"加农所预定。

16、Mother 1: I'm so worried about Marc these days . Ever since he moved into his own apartment , He's been losing weight He really doesn't look well at all . ─── 妈妈1:我现在非常担心我的儿子马克,自从他搬进自己的公寓,他的体重一直在下降,他看起来真的不太健康。

17、Couple of guys jumped Marc Silverman. ─── 几个家伙打了。

18、I watched it cruise past us, then I went up and told Captain Marc Addington. ─── 他瞪着我说:“我潜了那么多年水,也没看过那种东西!”

19、The operation, which was performed by professor Marc Martens, was perfectly succeeded. ─── 为博列诺进行手术的是马尔滕斯教授。

20、Marc, David. Demographic Vistas. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. ─── 《人口远景》。费城:宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,1996年版。

21、MARC, to investigate the relationships among the key processing parameters and spinning forces.The spinning force is measured by means of electrometric method. ─── MARC,对单旋轮无芯模旋压成形过程进行了三维弹塑性有限元模拟,对旋压过程中几个关键工艺参数与变形力之间的关系进行了研究;

22、The store's owner, Marc Morrone, said whoever ripped him off knew where the surveillance cameras were, unhooked the cages and carried them out through a hole in the window. ─── 宠物店店东马克.莫龙说,无论是哪个傢伙干的好事,此人必定知道监视器的位置,且打开鸟笼的钩子,然后透过窗户上的破洞,把鹦鹉偷走。

23、Marc Abrahams casts his net far wider, searching for the biggest jokes in the science world. ─── 不过亚伯拉罕却把网撒得更大,跑进科学天地里寻找最大的笑话。

24、Introduction to the US MARC format and the OCLC on-line cataloging system. ─── 并简介美国机读编目格式及合作编目系统。

25、Madagascan pro-opposition armed forces seized a presidential palace Monday evening in the capital Antananarivo, but President Marc Ravalomanana was not inside the building. ─── 当地时间16日晚,马达加斯加支持反对派的军人攻进并占领了位于首都市中心的总统府。

26、Marc has worked on various e-business projects in the IT industry for six years. ─── Marc已经在IT行业的各种电子商务工程上工作了六年。

27、"Marc came to battle," Memphis Coach Lionel Hollins said. ─── “马克打的很好”灰熊主帅Hollins说。

28、Stick with smooth casual style with the Red by Marc Ecko stratify-Adhira shoe. ─── 平滑与休闲风格的红棒由红犀牛分层,阿迪拉鞋。

29、Meanwhile, hosted software providers are pursuing a similar strategy tuned for the online world.But don't use the word "stack," said Salesforce.com CEO Marc Benioff. ─── 与此同时,主机式软件提供商们也在网络世界实施类似的战略。

30、Memphis led 57-49 at the half and couldn't pull away in the third quarter.The two teams got testy as Marc Gasol and Bryant drew technicals. ─── 在前三节比分一直都很胶着,没有一支球队的领先优势能够超过8分。

31、This paper attempts to establish the optimal system using FEM software MARC combining with the optimal software IMSL. ─── 中文摘要应用MARC有限元素分析软体,结合最佳化软体IMSL,建立MARC之最佳化系统。

32、"They're monitoring the situation very closely," said Marc Ganis, a consultant with SportsCorp Ltd. ─── "他们非常仔细地在监控著每一个状况,"马克甘尼,运动企业公司的顾问.

33、"A 25-percent boundary is pretty wide," said Dr. Marc Cohen, director of cardiology at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. Continued... ─── 但是一些心脏病学家对该结果的有效性提出置疑,因为该研究有25%的非劣效性。

34、MODS is a new document cataloguing metadata of the library of America congress.It is devoloped as the second document catalogue metadata after MARC. ─── MODS是美国国会图书馆正在研制的一种新的文献编目数据,它是继MARC之后开发的第二种以MARC为基础的文献编目元数据。

35、Marc appeared through a door at the far end of the room. ─── 马克从房间另一端的门口出现。

36、Witness the epic true story of Caesar's nephew Octavius, who successfully battled General Marc Antony for the throne and revolutionized the Roman Empire. ─── 可惜他最终保卫军主不果,在凯撒断气前,命令泰安纳斯保卫他的继任者,18岁的侄儿奥克塔维厄斯,但元老仍想将他灭族...

37、Mainly according to the method of Marc Porat, this paper puts forward a measuring model of Informatization Level of Agriculture(ILA). ─── 主要以波拉特方法为依据,提出了农业信息化水平的测度模式。

38、This paper preliminarily approached the MARC description, management and utilization of the discs attached to books in order to increase their use value. ─── 就随书附盘的MARC著录和管理利用进行初步探讨,以期提高此类文献的利用价值。

39、I'm not sure you'll ever get Marc's agreement to your proposal. ─── 我不确定你的建议能否得到马尔克的认同。

40、OCLC was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in 1967 to develop an online shared cataloging network for college and university libraries in Ohio using MARC records. ─── OCLC 是在1967年设立. 它是为俄亥俄州学院及大学图书馆建立一个使用 MARC数据库的联网合作编目非营利机构.

41、Some seven-piece endgames, have been analyzed by Marc Bourzutschky and Yakov Konoval [8].In all of these endgame databases it is assumed that castling is no longer possible. ─── 原因是,更多这样的残局被发现了,把规则搞得越来越复杂是不希望的,而且改后的规则和之前的在人类比赛中没有区别,因为人不可能下得非常精确。

42、XMLMARC converts MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging), the standard format for library data, into XML using a flexible mapping language (expressed in XML). ─── XMLMARC使用灵活的映射语言把数据库数据的标准格式MARC转换为XML格式。

43、Mode 2: Mainly using CALIS Online Cataloging Client to Download and Upload Marc data. ─── 大多数图书馆目前使用的正是这种方式。

44、Marc Mancuso Bullet Ballet, Download Bullet Ballet, Morrie Cramer Bullet Ballet.Sudheesh British Market, British Market, Nisar British Market. ─── Alfr閐 De閟y A Sz黵keruh醩 h鲽gy, Download A Sz黵keruh醩 h鲽gy movie, .

45、Over the years, Wenger has sold Emanuel Petit, Marc Overmars and Nicolas Anelka at times when the players seemed to be in their prime. ─── 在这些年里,他曾经卖掉了佩蒂、奥维马斯、阿内尔卡,每一个在当时看上去都处于巅峰。

46、While Robin was crunching numbers, Erick was sat down with Marc Andreessen to get a bit of color on the deal. ─── 另一个值得注意的一点是:不但要关注正在开发中的版本,还要考虑后续的版本。

47、Jean Marc PERRIGON, Executive Chef of Novotel Xinqiao Beijing, received the award at a ceremony held for this occasion. ─── 北京新侨诺富特饭店的行政总厨让.马克出席了颁奖典礼并接受此项殊荣。

48、With Marc's half-remembered sense of direction and a half-franc postcard for a map, we alternate leads up the face. ─── 依靠马克模糊记得的方向感,以及一张用半个法郎买到的明信片地图,我们轮流在前面引路。

49、Then I asked what Marc and KEIKO think about it. They said they welcomed me. So, I decided to join globe. ─── 当然起初很轻易我就答应了加入.那邀请的感觉就好象在说"让我们一起在这次校庆做点好玩的事!"一样

50、It's also my hypothesis that the middle age mechants like Marc Polo brought a lot of stuff from China to Italy, but it still need proofs from archiological discoveries. ─── 从马可波罗以后,意大利就有了好多和中国近似的食品,这是俺听一个意大利美国人说的,不知道是不是真的.

51、Marc was transferred to Barcelona in 2000 where he currently plies his trade. ─── 2000年他转会到巴塞罗那并效力至今。

52、Marc Goedhart is an associate principal in McKinsey’s Amsterdam office and a member of the leadership group of the firm’s corporate finance practice in Europe. ─── 尊重网上道德,遵守互联网电子公告服务管理规定及中华人民共和国其他各项有关法律法规;遵守点评空间使用规则;

53、Kandinsky then moved to form a new group The Blue Rider ( Der Blaue Reiter ) with like minded artists such as August Macke and Franz Marc . ─── 康定斯基然后转移到形成一个新的组蓝骑士(德青赖特)与志同道合的艺术家一样,如8月马克和弗兰兹马克。

54、Marc: Ok, shut your mouth, mom! Swishy? ─── 好了,媽,快閉嘴!你說甚麼娘娘腔?

55、Jennifer Lopez has again denied constant media speculation she is desperately trying to conceive a baby with her husband Marc Anthony. ─── 有关媒体不断报道珍妮弗洛佩兹渴望与丈夫安东尼生一个孩子,对此传闻珍妮弗再次予于否认。

56、At least Marc managed to put in an appearance at the party. ─── 至少,马克想尽办法在派对上露了个面。

57、Sometimes I even come across great finds like LOUIS VUITTON, CHANEL, PRADA, GUCCI, HERMES, EMILIO PUCCI, COACH, KATE SPADE, FENDI, MARC JACOBS, BURBERRY, CHRISTIAN DIOR, etc. ─── 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。粗体字价格表示至少已经有一位买家出价。

58、The teams had two each: Kobe Bryant and Lamar Odom picked up the fouls for the Lakers while Marc Gasol and Greg Buckner picked them up for Grizzlies. ─── 在今晚的比赛中,一共有四次技术犯规。两支球队各有两次:科比布莱恩特和喇嘛奥多姆为湖人队得到了技术犯规,马克加索尔和格雷格-巴克纳为灰熊队领到两次技术犯规。

59、As a ki nd of basic expressing information format,MARC is quite complex and multifarious . ─── marc作为一种基本的信息表达格式 ,较为复杂和繁琐。

60、Her lover Marc Anthony is dead. ─── 她的情人安东尼死了。

61、Cleopatra, Pharaoh of a vast empire, lover of two of the most powerful men in ancient Rome, Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony. ─── 克利奥帕特拉是一位庞大帝国的女王,是古罗马两位最有权力的男人:凯撒和安东尼的情人。

62、"Marc came to battle," Memphis Coach Lionel Hollins said."He had a sibling rivalry and he met the challenge. ─── 哥哥今年28岁,在周二晚上和弟弟的对决中,13投仅5中,出场29分钟,得到13分,8篮板。

63、Maybe Sally should work with Marc. ─── 也许萨莉应该和马克一起来工作。

64、Later in 2007 the JSC reorganized the rules yet again and used the FRBR entities as the organizing principle, thus moving RDA further from the flat world of MARC encoding. ─── 2007年晚些时候JSC再次重新组织了编目规则,采用FRBR实体作为组织原则,这就使RDA进一步脱离了MARC编码的平面表达(,而进入FRBR的立体世界)。

65、Marc Gate in Le Plan de Grasse, France (2001). ─── 以及法国格拉斯的圣马可门(2001年)。

66、That's just what Marc needs: A Scorpio! ─── 天蝎座的人正是马克所需要的!

67、Council members approved the provision 7-2, with Councilmen Marc Elrich (D-At large) of Takoma Park and Roger Berliner (D-Dist. 1) of Potomac casting dissenting votes. ─── 安理会成员批准提供7-2与议员马克Elrich (丁,在逃)的Takoma公园和罗杰柏林( D-Dist. 1 )波托马克铸造反对票。

68、However everything moves quickly at the Olympics, and Marc is no exception.Marc aims to complete his sketches in time with the race's winner to add their autograph trackside. ─── 奥运会中每个人都在飞快的运动,马克哈也是一样,他努力在比赛时间内完成作品,并且请赢得比赛的运动员们在他的速写上签名留念。

69、"Our models of this ring let us sort of look back in time to when the solar system was young, " said Marc Kuchner. ─── “尘埃环模型让我们有机会一睹太阳系在诞生初期时的面貌,”库切纳说。

70、Leeds and Australia star Marc Viduka on the importance of winning. ─── 利兹连队和澳大利亚球星维杜卡阐述胜利的重要性。

71、Marc:Affordable price is the name of the game. ─── 合理又负担得起的价位才是王道。

72、Tomlinson Michael Cory Davis Marc D. ─── 主要演员:Alexis Fields LeShay N.

73、Caldwell and Marc Kamionkowski;Scientific American, January 2001].If quantum-gravitational repulsive gravity drove cosmic inflation, these observations might find some hint of it. ─── 如果驱动宇宙暴胀的是量子重力的排斥型重力,或许能在宇宙微波背景的观测里找到一些线索。

74、Arriving in Paris in 1910, Marc CHAGALL developed an independent art inspired by his Jewish culture and his work was taken up by a broad spectrum of art collectors. ─── 在抵达巴黎,在1910年,马克夏加尔研制出一种独立的艺术灵感来自他的犹太文化,他的工作是由一个广泛的艺术品收藏家。

75、Prior to their partnership, both Marc Frank Montoya, age 33, and Liko S.Smith, age 36, were snowboarders, though with very different backgrounds. ─── 在他们合作之前,33岁的马克和36岁的史密斯都是滑雪者,尽管他们有着不一样的背景。

76、But Marc Ecko, a clothing designer from California, had the winning bid at $752,467. ─── 但是一个来自加里福尼亚的服装设计师马克以752,46美元中标。

77、Marc software was applied to build the finite element model of the bar, and the experiments were designed by the means of orthogonal method and simulated numerically. ─── Marc软件,建立了系统棒料下料时的有限元模型.

78、This suggestion from Guro Marc, once upon a time, totally changed my whole training and learning progression for Kali and Kickboxing material.In other words, I got better, faster! ─── 头狗的这个建议,完全改变了我的整个训练,使我变得越来越好!

79、During the late 1960s, several groups around the U.S. were experimenting with the MARC database.One such group was the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) . ─── 在60年代后期很多图书馆都在个别的或集体的试用MARC数据库, 俄亥俄学院图书馆中心 (OCLC)也是其中之一.

80、An important metadata format is the Machine Readable Cataloging Record (MARC) which is the most used format for library records. ─── 一种重要的元数据格式是机读目录记录,通常用于图书馆记录。

81、Marc A. Franklin Matthew Ploeger, Of Rescue and Report: Should Tort Law Impose a Duty to Help Endangered Persons or Abused Children?, 40 Santa Clara Law Review 991, 2000, p.1003. ─── 参见林美惠:《侵权法上交易安全义务之研究》,台湾大学法律学研究所1999年博士学位论文。

82、Marc Blecher of Oberlin College says Xinji is a good example of “market Leninism” in China. ─── 布莱契说,辛集是中国“列宁主义市场经济”的典型代表。

83、Marc Chagall, a Russian born Jews painter who sp... ─── 在蓝色教堂玻璃窗下,令人感受浓厚的宗教气氛。

84、"Encouraging people to be physically active every day has so many health benefits," said Dr Marc Danzon, WHO regional director for Europe. ─── 世界卫生组织欧洲区域主任马克.坦桑博士说,“鼓励人们要每天锻炼身体,这对健康有好处。

85、They were displayed in the State-sponsored exhibit "Degenerate Art "then destroyed along with works by Paul Klee , Franz Marc and other modern artists. ─── 他们显示在国家赞助的展览“退化艺术”,然后连同销毁作品,保罗克利,弗兰兹马克和其他现代艺术家。

86、Smith, a credit report for a Randal Smith, and a credit application for a Marc Randy Smith. ─── Smith)的驾驶执照记录,一份蓝道.史密斯(RandalSmith)的信贷报告,以及一份马克.蓝迪.史密斯(MarcRandySmith)的信贷申请表。

87、Applying 2D axisymmetric elastic-plastic FEM, the simulations of drawing of B10 copper tubes were carried out with the aid of nonlinear FEM software Marc. ─── 借助大型非线性有限元软件Marc,应用二维轴对称弹塑性有限元法模拟了B10白铜管的拉拔过程,对比分析了优化模具后铜管拉拔和实际生产中的铜管拉拔对模具以及铜管质量的影响。

88、Actress Jennifer Lopez and husband Marc Anthony are still pregnant. ─── 女星珍妮佛洛佩兹和丈夫马克安东尼仍然怀孕了。

89、ESPN.com's Marc Stein reported on Sunday that the Memphis Grizzlies have been pursuing Iverson, but owner Michael Heisley thought the Miami Heat had the inside track. ─── ESPN的马克-斯特恩在周日说孟菲斯灰熊队一直在追求艾弗森,但是灰熊老板却说对艾弗森有意思的是迈阿密热火。


小白手作英文翻译如下:The beginner's handwork.重点词汇释义:handwork 英['hændwɜ:k] 美['hændˌwɜ:k] n. 手工(尤指相对于机械); 手工活; [例句]It is the handiwork of Marc Guibert, head chef at Lindeth Howe Country House Hotel in Windermere, Cumbria, and is being launched for National Chocolate Week, starting today.这是兰德斯乡村屋酒店(位于坎不利亚都郡,温德梅尔湖旁) 的厨师长,马克-吉伯特的手工作品,并从今天开始在英国巧克力周上展出。


特斯拉,英文“TESLA”,是美国一家电动车及能源公司,说起“特斯拉”,相信很多人对其都或多或少的有些了解,因为在最近几年,“特斯拉”在如今的汽车界可谓带来了革命性的影响。 “特斯拉”最早在2003年由马丁·艾伯哈德(Martin Eberhard)和马克·塔彭宁(Marc Tarpenning)共同创立。04年埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)进入公司并领导了A轮融资,随后创始人将公司命名为“特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)”,以纪念物理学家尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)。 “特斯拉”的第一款汽车Roadster在2008年发布,2012年发布第二款汽车产品。

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