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在右边的英文(on right中文翻译,on right是什么意思,on right发音、用法及例句)

01-17 投稿

在右边的英文(on right中文翻译,on right是什么意思,on right发音、用法及例句)

on right

on right发音

英:  美:

on right中文意思翻译



on right双语使用场景

1、The August Moon Festival is often called the Women's Festival. The moon (Chinese character on right) symbolizes elegance and beauty.───中秋节也被称为女人的节日,月(汉字部首)象征着优雅与美丽。

2、Tree view on left, details on right.───左边是树视图,右边是细节信息。

3、Parameters on left, details on right.───左边是参数,右边是具体信息。

4、There's a movement going on right now to reframe mental illness as a positive -- at least the hypomanic edge part of it.───目前在进行着个运动要重塑精神疾病作为一个积极面--至少在它的轻度躁狂的边缘方面。

5、What are you focused on right now?───要知道,你当下最专注的是什么?

6、Herefrom , that farmer looks down on right away the lion, is fear of him not in the least.───农夫马上开始看不起狮子了,至少不再怕它。

7、My instinct is to give students a project to work on right at the beginning, along with a minimal process to follow.───我的直觉是在一开始就给学生们布置一个项目,此时他们没有多少方法可以遵循。

8、One of a few I'm working on right now, not close to being finished, but here's a taster.───我现在的几个之一,而不是接近完成,但这里的一个品酒师。

9、One of them said: The recent epidemic of mad cow disease, we will not be transmitted on, right?───其中一头说:最近流行疯牛病,我们不会被传染上吧?

on right相似词语短语

1、right on the money───完全正确;没有偏差

2、right on time───准时;按时

3、on you right───在你右边


5、on one is right───一个是对的

6、on your right───在你的右边;在你的右侧

7、on the right track───正确地;走对路了;未离题的;想法对

8、right right right───对,对,对

9、on the right───在右边,在右侧

on right和on the right区别?



on right是以自身为参照物的方位,而on the right是以某一物体为参照物的方法;


on right范围广,on the right范围窄。

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