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in the process中文翻译,in the process是什么意思,in the process发音、用法及例句

01-17 投稿

in the process中文翻译,in the process是什么意思,in the process发音、用法及例句

1、in the process

in the process发音

英:  美:

in the process中文意思翻译



in the process双语使用场景

1、In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.───在这个过程中,艾薇让她的生活充满了意义。

2、This definition excludes the baby who has soft, easy-to-pass stools once a week, even if he seems to strain a lot in the process.───这个定义不包括宝宝大便软,容易排出且一周一次,即使看起来在这过程中压力很大。

3、In the process, she built a radically new life and career.───在这个过程中,她建立了全新的生活和事业。

4、'The will of the people will prevail in the end, ' this person said. 'But the question is how much blood must be shed in the process. '───这位居民说,人民的意志最终将占上风,但问题是在这个过程中到底要流多少血。

5、I believe that our efforts must be cooperation with you in the cause of the leap in the process of help on alone.───相信在我们的不懈努力配合下一定可为您在事业的飞跃过程中助上一力。

6、In the process, has directly or indirectly of the matter or energy to the marine environment and the expense of resources and human health.───船舶在营运过程中,不可避免的直接或间接的把一些物质或能量引入海洋环境以至产生了损害资源,危害人类健康。

7、Farmland external benefit is often neglected, which leads to the loss of farmland mostly in the process of the rapid urbanization.───快速城镇化进程中耕地损失的深层次动因之一是耕地的外部效益往往被忽视。

8、You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process.───你得让我们自己去奋斗,即使在此过程中我们必须死亡。

9、FILM-makers in Iran have always had to get by with just a few breaths of artistic air yet made memorable movies in the process.───伊朗的电影人靠着仅有的一丝艺术气息艰难生存,却总能在此过程中创作出令人难忘的电影作品。

in the process相似词语短语

1、make process in───在中生成进程

2、canonization process in the catholic church───天主教会的圣典化进程

3、in a process───在一个过程里

4、on the process───在过程中

5、extraditing the process───引渡程序

6、in process───过程中的;在进行中


8、work in process───在制品;在产品;<美>半制品,在制品

9、enjoying the process───享受这个过程

2、in the process of和in process of有什么区别?

in the process of和in process of的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。


1、in the process of:在…的过程中。

2、in process of:正在。


1、in the process of:process的名词意思是“工艺流程”“过程”,转化为动词意思是“加工”“列队行进”,即指对某种材料、数据等进行加工处理,有秩序地列队进入某处。

2、in process of:process用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与介词into连用。process前不加the的几种表达方式:in process of time(日积月累地)。


1、in the process of:指定的过程。

2、in process of:所有的过程。

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