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01-17 投稿




英:[ˈsensərz]  美:[ˈsensəz]

英:  美:


常用释义: 传感器



temperature sensor───温度传感器

pressure sensor───压力传感器;位置传感器

displacement sensor───位移传感器


1、The module of data sampling uses for sampling data of every sensor, inspecting state of sensors and judging stop .───数据采集模块负责采集各个传感器的数据、检测传感器状态和判断停机。

2、It works by sending a series of electrical impulses which are picked up by hi-tech sensors.───它通过传输由高技术传感器收集的电脉冲而起作用。

3、having proved his point , dr liu is now trying to design sensors that work more like the sense cells in a real lateral line.───在自己的想法得到验证后,刘博士目前正在试图设计一种工作方式更接近鱼类天然侧线系统中感觉细胞的传感器。

4、This paper emphases theory of the no-magnetism flux meter and method of its realization after the analysis of a few sensors'theory.───在分析了几种常见传感器的工作原理基础之上,重点介绍了无磁传感器的工作原理及其具体实现方法。

5、In industrial applications, the multiple sensors are often used to measure the same process parameter at different locations of a process.───在工业应用中常用一组传感器对同一个被测量目标在一个过程的不同位置进行测量。

6、They've developed these sensors that can detect tiny amounts of ethylene.───他们已经开发了这些传感器,可以检测到微量的乙烯。

7、According to a BBC report, such cars use video cameras mounted on the roof, radar sensors and a laser range finder to "see" other traffic.───工程师在汽车的顶部安装了摄影机、雷达传感器和激光探测器,来帮助汽车自行导航行驶。

8、The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.───日本最新款吸尘器装有传感器,能测出灰尘量和地板类型。

9、He said there appeared a strong possibility that faulty sensors could have caused the crash even if there was no direct link.───他表示,有问题的传感器看来有很大的可能导致了这次坠机事件,尽管没有直接的联系。


1、genius sensors───genius传感器

2、radar sensors───雷达传感器

3、chemical sensors───化学传感器

结语:Datalogic | Automatic Data Capture and Industr,Datalogic is a world-class producer of bar code readers, mobile computers, sensors,sensors的中文意思,sensors 发音: [ ';sensəz ] 翻译: n.传感器,灵敏元件( sensor的名词复数 ) 例句(用法): There were more than 2000 sensors here. 这里装有两千多个灵敏元件。

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