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02-12 投稿




英:  美:





1、Observing yourself objectively implies doing it without judg … consequence for what you are… ing about yourself.───客观地观察自己就是……(张轶注:此处英文缺失)。

2、The Israelites who first entered the Promised Land with Joshua saw the mighty acts of God and believed (Judg. 2:7).───跟着约书亚进入迦南地的第一批以色列人,他们看见上帝大能的作为而相信(士师记2章7节)。

3、I think they get hold of the exact technique to judg . . .───我觉得他们在判断天气如何方面掌握了精密的技术。

4、Conclusion: The measure is feasible to mensurate different alkalinity in the water and to judg result intuitionisticly and easily.───结论:采用一种程序滴定不同的碱度的方法是可行的,且该方法结果分析简单、直观。

5、final manifestations of mental injury always is to be embodied in both ways of subjectivity and objectivity. The consequence is mainly judg...───精神损害的最终表现形式始终体现在主现和客观两个方面,对损害后果的判定主要以客观方面为依据。

6、After the death of Joshua, it was taken and set on fire by Judah Judg .───去世后,约书亚,这是采取和放火烧毁由犹大。

7、Judg 12: 9 And he had thirty sons, and thirty daughters, whom he sent abroad, and took in thirty daughters from abroad for his sons.───士12:9他有三十个儿子,三十女儿;女儿都嫁出去了。他给众子从外乡娶了三十媳妇。

8、Judg 8: 31 And his concubine that was in Shechem, she also bare him a son, whose name he called Abimelech.───士8:31他的妾住在示剑,也给他生了一个儿子。基甸与他起名叫亚比米勒。

9、Wealth, social status and fame are not the only standards to judg a person!───财富,社会地位,名誉不是评判一个人的唯一标准!


judge 英[dʒʌdʒ] 美[dʒʌdʒ] vt. 审判,评判; 断定; vt. 评价; 估计; (尤指) 批评; 想,认为; n. 法官; 裁判员; 评判员; 鉴定人; [例句]A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists.评判小组现在正选拔参加决赛的选手。

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