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make the changes中文翻译,make the changes是什么意思,make the changes发音、用法及例句

02-12 投稿

make the changes中文翻译,make the changes是什么意思,make the changes发音、用法及例句

1、make the changes

make the changes发音

英:  美:

make the changes中文意思翻译



make the changes双语使用场景

1、If the changes to the BPEL do not significantly change the flow of the model in WBM, it is best to make the changes directly in WID.───如果对BPEL的更改并不会大幅度更改WBM中的模型的流,最好直接在WID中进行更改。

2、You see a message at the top of the administrative console reminding you to select commit to make the changes take effect.───您将在管理控制台的顶部看到一条消息,提醒您选择提交,以便使更改生效。

3、Note that this display changes as you make the changes to the reference.───注意你改变参考文献信息后,这个显示也会改变。

4、If you make the changes to the page, reload, and press the button repeatedly, you'll see that the text field is updated each time.───更改页面、重新加载并反复按按钮,您将发现文本字段每一次都会相应地进行更新。

5、In a model-driven application system such as ECO, it's easy to make the changes to the model and regenerate the application.───而在诸如ECO这种模型驱动的应用程序系统中,很容易地只需修改模型并重新生成应用程序就可以做到。

6、If the organization decides to make the changes in house the maintenance cost must be considered in the funding of the service.───如果组织决定在内部作出变革,服务资金必须考虑维护成本。

make the changes相似词语短语

1、radical changes───巨变

2、make changes to───改变……;对......进行更改

3、make the───使


5、proposed changes───提出了的改变

6、changes chords───改变和弦

7、more changes───更多变化

8、changes into───变成;把…变成;兑换

9、make changes───进行更改;使发生变化;换零钱

2、make change当中填什么介词?

要看用在哪里。有两个意思,一个是make a change:修改,另外就是make change for:找零。

make changes for 为了......做出......改变


It is a time to assess what has been achieved so far, and perhaps make changes for the future.


make changes to 对......做了改变 更改


Make changes to the work item list as needed.


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