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operating costs中文翻译,operating costs是什么意思,operating costs发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

operating costs中文翻译,operating costs是什么意思,operating costs发音、用法及例句

operating costs

operating costs发音

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operating costs中文意思翻译



operating costs双语使用场景

1、Tracks monthly operating costs and revenue to assure profitability.───每月跟踪回顾运行成本和收入以保证相当的利润率.

2、Either then produces net exportable electricity for sale to offset plant - operating costs.───然后可以产生净输出电能用来销售,从而弥补装置的运营成本.

3、To - the - art technology, and rational layout, investment and operating costs low.───力求工艺先进, 布局合理, 投资和运行费用少.

4、In addition, the output and also add to a lot of ST's operating costs.───此外, 停产和减产也加重了很多ST公司的经营负担.

5、They are difficult to maintain and thus need more operating costs.───他们很难维持,因此需要更多的运营成本。

6、Extremely long useful time, low overall operating costs.───极长的使用寿命, 综合运行成本较低.

7、Operating costs jumped from £85.3m to £95m.───运营成本从8,530万英镑激增至9,500万英镑。

8、Operating costs are coming down because of cheaper fuel.───经营成本在下降是因为燃料更便宜了。

9、Operating costs: These include all direct and indirect costs.───经营成本: 这些包括了所有的直接和间接成本.

10、Virtual schools may not save much in operating costs.───真正的学校可能不会节约运营成本.

11、Prices tend to reflect direct operating costs rather than employed capital.───价格就会反映直接运营成本,而不是所用资本。

12、Our company's monthly operating costs are increasing.───我们公司的月运作费用在增加.

13、For school administrators, it can reduce costs and the operating costs and improve management efficiency.───对于学校管理者来说, 可降低了管理费用和运作成本,提高管理效率.

14、The new engine features high speed, small size and economical operating costs.───这种新型发动机以高速 、 小型和操作费用低为特色.

15、Expenses incurred for cleaner production auditing and training may be booked as enterprise operating costs.───企业用于清洁生产审核和培训的费用,可以列入企业经营成本.

16、Operating costs and maintenance cost low, automatic operation, can realize unmanned management operations.───运行费用及维修成本低, 全自动运行, 实现无人化管理操作.

17、Cash flow equals revenue minus operating costs.───现金流等于收入减去经营成本.

18、The higher operating costs can be offset against the cement clinker.───较高的费用能够靠水泥熟料得到弥补.

operating costs相似词语短语

1、operating system───[计]操作系统

2、operating cycles───运行周期

3、operating cycle───营业循环,[经管]经营周期

4、operating room───n.[外科]手术室

5、operating systems───操作系统;作业系统

6、operating rooms───n.[外科]手术室

7、operating profits───营业利润

8、operating cost───使用费;使用费用;[会计]生产费用;营业费;运转成本

9、operating cash───营运现金


营运开支(营运成本)(Operationcosts或者Operatingexpenses),是会计学、成本学上的名词,它内容包括“行政开支”、分行租金、广告支出、利息支出、固定资产的折旧等。它们都不是直接成本,不会因为生意收入的増加而立即増加,也不会因为没有生意收入而免得支出。  其中“行政开支”包括职员薪金、法律顾问费、董事支出、公关顾问费用等。

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