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playgolf(play golf中文翻译,play golf是什么意思,play golf发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

playgolf(play golf中文翻译,play golf是什么意思,play golf发音、用法及例句)

play golf

play golf发音

英:  美:

play golf中文意思翻译



play golf双语使用场景

1、We will play golf or stay home according as the weather is good or bad.───我们是去打高尔夫球还是呆在家里取决于天气是好是坏.

2、I know how to play golf. I want the driver.───我知道怎么打高尔夫. 我要用木杆.

3、This American parrot, named AJ, can dunk, play golf and perform gymnastic moves.───这只美国鹦鹉名叫 AJ ,能扣篮、打高尔夫并表演体操动作。

4、Mr. Smith: I heard he called Bill to play golf.───史密斯先生: 我听说他叫比尔去玩高尔夫球.

5、Would you like to play golf tomorrow and at what time?───您明天还来打球 吗 ?大约什么时候?

6、When the meeting was over, a couple of us went out to play golf.───会议结束后, 我们几个人去打高尔夫球.

7、Do you play golf?" he asked me suddenly.───你打高尔夫吗?”他突然问我。

8、I could afford to play golf for the rest of my life.───我可以在有生之年只打高尔夫球不干活.

9、Mr Pitt doesn't play golf well. No , he doesn't.───皮特先生高尔夫球打得不好.

10、Do you play golf?───你打高尔夫球 吗 ?

11、I don't play golf.───我不打高尔夫球。

12、Anyway a lot of tennis players play golf.───不管怎么说,有许多网球运动员都打高尔夫.

13、He knew to play golf as well as a duck to water.───他知道怎么打高尔夫就象鸭子知道如何游泳一样自然.

14、Tiger Woods began to play golf ten months after his birth.───泰格伍兹出生仅十个月就开始打高尔夫了.

15、His objective was to play golf and win.───他的目标是参加高尔夫球比赛并赢得胜利。

16、Why does he even try to play golf? he is terrible!───他怎么会想打高尔夫球? 他是很蹩脚的.

17、Why does he even to play golf? it's terrible!───他怎么会想高尔夫球? 他是很蹩脚的.

18、B: I like to play golf and badminton.───我喜欢打高尔夫球和羽毛球.

play golf相似词语短语

1、play hell───玩地狱吧

2、play God───装作无所不能;扮演上帝

3、gray wolf───灰狼;灰狼(歌名,GrayWolf)

4、crazy golf───小高尔夫球

5、play ball───开始活动;开始赛球

6、play down───贬低;降低;减少

7、play off───使出丑,使暴露弱点;使相斗;把…假装

8、play box───n.个人玩具用品箱(尤指寄宿学校儿童的)

9、play group───n.托儿所;学龄前幼儿游戏组

play golf要加the吗?



golf是指高尔夫球,所以打高尔夫球用play golf。

play表示“演奏(某种乐器)”时,结构是“play +the + 乐器名称”,即在乐器名称前要加定冠词the。可根据实际情况翻译成“打,弹,拉,打,吹”等。例如: play the piano.

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