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inferior to中文翻译,inferior to是什么意思,inferior to发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

inferior to中文翻译,inferior to是什么意思,inferior to发音、用法及例句

inferior to

inferior to发音

英:  美:

inferior to中文意思翻译



次于,劣于; 不如; 不及

inferior to双语使用场景

1、He thinks that he is inferior to others in many respects.───他觉得他在许多方面不如他人.

2、Your achievements at work are not inferior to his.───你的工作成绩和他相比毫不逍色.

3、Some people are now openly saying that socialism in inferior to capitalism.───现在有一些人散布所谓社会主义不如资本主义的言论.

4、This cloth is not inferior to real silk.───这种织物不下于真丝.

5、How can you be reconciled to being inferior to others?───雌伏于此处,你怎么能甘心 呢 ?

6、These oranges are inferior to those I bought last week.───这些桔子没我上星期买的好.

7、The Arians taught that Jesus was divine, but distinct from and inferior to the Father.───阿里乌教的教义认为.耶稣是神圣的, 但他有别于圣父,低于圣父.

8、We can guarantee that the quality is no inferior to that of Zhonghua Brand.───我们可以保证其质量不雅于中华牌.

9、He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.───他喜欢与那些智力水平不如他的人共处。

10、His monthly salary is 450 Yuan, is inferior to Zhaoqing's minimum wage standard.───他的月工资是450元, 不及肇庆市的最低工资标准.

11、Its expression in China is far it is mature to be inferior to be in abroad.───它在中国的表现远不如在国外成熟.

12、The local rich man holds the view that farm laborers are inferior to ants.───那个土财主认为长工的命连蚁命都不如.

13、Because the condition is best, still be inferior to high vitrification.───因为条件是最好的, 还不如高度透明化.

14、Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.───现代音乐常被认为不如过去的。

15、His work is inferior to mine.───他的工作不如我.

16、If children were made to feel inferior to other children their confidence declined.───如果让孩子感觉他们不如其他孩子,他们的信心就会减弱。

17、Congress may establish courts inferior to the Supreme Court and set their jurisdiction.───国会可以成立次级法院并拥有独立司法权.

18、He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.───他喜欢与那些智力不如他的人为伍。

19、Our victory over a football team considerably inferior to our own was nothing and dance about.───我们打赢一个实力比我们差得远的足球队,是没有什么好大吹大擂的.

20、The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.───他那篇文章的含意是,当家庭主妇远远不如所有其他职业。

21、Their victory over a team considerably inferior to their own was nothing to make a songabout.───他们赢了一个实力比他们弱很多的队,没有什么值得大吹大擂的.

22、I admit that I am inferior to him in many respects.───我自认在许多方面比他矮半截.

23、Revenge is not always sweet, once it is consummated we feel inferior to our victim.───报复不总是甜美的, 一旦得逞,我们感到比我们的受害者更差劲.

24、Woman is inferior to man in strength.───女人力量不及男人.

25、I would not wish to be inferior to others.───我不希望自己比别人差.

26、Overall condition is inferior to net last year, occurrence deficit of some bee field.───实际收入总体情况不如去年, 有的蜂场出现亏损.

27、But be unequal to person , be that climatic condition is inferior to favourable geographical position also.───这样却不能取胜, 这是因为有利于作战的天气时令比不上有利于作战的地理形势.

28、Even many countries have the American doctor's population to be inferior to a Qinghua school.───甚至许多国家产生美国博士的人数不及清华一所学校.

29、Woman is inferior to man in running.───妇女跑不过男子.

30、The house is inferior to what I expected.───那房子比我所期望的差.

31、Zhuan Xu was an important person only inferior to Huan Di in ancient Chinese history.───摘要颛顼是中华古史中仅次于黄帝的人物.

32、Tom is inferior to other in many respects.───汤姆在许多方面不如人家.

33、I consider it to be inferior to robot.───我认为它不及机器人.

inferior to相似词语短语






6、inferior ovary───下位卵巢

7、anterior tooth───前牙

8、inferior court───初级法院;下级法庭,下级法院;小法院(指美国联邦法院第一级法院)

9、inferior courts───初级法院;下级法庭,下级法院;小法院(指美国联邦法院第一级法院)


"To" 是一个介词,表示目标,朝向或关系方向。它还用作不定式的标记。例如:“我要去网上购物。”(I want to shop online.)

"Too" 是一个副词,表示也,太,过度或程度。它用于强调与之前提到的情况相似或相同的情况。例如:“我也很喜欢看**。”(I like movies too.) 或者“这个箱子太重了。”(This box is too heavy.)

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