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how many people中文翻译,how many people是什么意思,how many people发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

how many people中文翻译,how many people是什么意思,how many people发音、用法及例句

how many people

how many people发音

英:  美:

how many people中文意思翻译



how many people双语使用场景

1、How many people does the company employ?───这个公司雇用了多少人?

2、No one knows how many people currently surf the Net.───没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。

3、How many people were there at the concert?───每个星期天有多少人去教堂?

4、It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven't got a job.───如果我们能得到该国失业人口的真实数字就好了。

5、How many people were present?───到了多少人?

6、How many people are contesting this seat on the town council?───有多少人在争夺市议会这个席位?

7、I mean, look at how many people watch television and how few read books.───我是说,你瞧看电视的有多少人,看书的又有几个。

8、How many people are there in the room?───屋子里有多少人?

9、How many people have you interviewed for the job?───你面试了多少个请求这个工作的人?

10、How many people were there?───有多少人?

11、How many people are there in your family?───你家有几口子?

12、Let's put it to the question. How many people here are in favour of unilateral disarmament ?───让我们畅所欲言, 这儿有多少人赞成单方面裁军?

13、How many people participated in the opening ceremony?───多少人参加了开业典礼?

14、How many people are coming to the party?───有多少人来参加晚会?

15、How many people are there altogether?───一共多少人?

16、How many people can the Great Hall of the People hold?───人民大会堂能容纳多少人?

17、Think of how many people had to be paid off!───想一想有多少人需要贿赂 啊 !

how many people相似词语短语

1、many people───许多人;很多人;好多人


3、lay people───平信徒;外行;俗人

4、country people───乡下人

5、local people───当地人

6、chosen people───选民

7、boat people───n.乘小船出逃的难民


people 是搭配  how many ,而不是 How much。people“人们”是复数名词,eg:How many people are there in your room?


people是“民族”也是复数名词。eg:How many peoples are there in China?


回答可以:There are 56 peoples in China.

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