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good work中文翻译,good work是什么意思,good work发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

good work中文翻译,good work是什么意思,good work发音、用法及例句

good work

good work发音

英:  美:

good work中文意思翻译



good work双语使用场景

1、This good work merits a prize.───这个好作品应该得奖.

2、The school awarded Merry a prize ( for her good work ).───学校 ( 因为她工作好而 ) 奖励了梅丽.

3、I thought the Spider man movie was a very good work.───蜘蛛侠这部**做得很棒。

4、She's devoted her life to good work.───她献身于慈善事业.

5、He undid most of the good work of his predecessor.───他把前任的大部分业绩毁掉了.

6、If officers are to do good work they must have decent messes, and be comfortable.───如果要军官做好工作,必须让他们吃像样的伙食, 住得舒适.

7、discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits and improve self-esteem.───学习音乐的规范训练能帮助孩子们养成良好的做事习惯和增强自尊心。

8、You're all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work!───你们干得都很出色, 要坚持下去!

9、Keep up the good work.───再接再厉.

10、This mistake has undone all our good work.───这个错误使我们所有良好的工作白做了.

11、The good work is finished; we will take a long rest and enjoy the money. "───这件美事做完, 咱们该好好休息休息,花钱享受了. ”

12、The Austin Advertising Agency did good work.───奥斯汀广告公司办事很得力.

13、Abner, recalling his good work aboard the earlier whaler at the Falklands , quickly volunteered.───艾布纳想起上次在福克兰那条捕鲸船上收获不少, 便欣然同意.

14、That approach fails to take into consideration intangibles such as pride of workmanship, loyalty and good work habits.───那种方法没有考虑无形的因素例如对手艺的自豪感、忠诚和良好的工作习惯。

15、Good work deserves good pay.───好的工作应得好的报酬.

16、Carry on the good work!───好好干下去!

17、Good. Tell Mr. Gao at the factory to keep up the good work.───很好, 请告诉工厂的高先生继续努力.

18、He has undone the good work of his predecessor.───他已毁弃了他前任者的良好成就.

good work相似词语短语

1、good looks───漂亮,美貌

2、good for───有效的;会产生;有支付…能力的

3、good cook───好厨师


5、cold work───冷作;冷加工

6、good look───好看;美观;仔细察看

7、a good word───好话

8、good sort───n.仁慈并受人喜爱者

9、good lord───天哪


keep up with 才是常用的

keep up with the good work, 跟上工作进度

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