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registered capital中文翻译,registered capital是什么意思,registered capital发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

registered capital中文翻译,registered capital是什么意思,registered capital发音、用法及例句

registered capital

registered capital发音

英:  美:

registered capital中文意思翻译




registered capital双语使用场景

1、Industry requiring the registered capital should achieve at a stated amount.───行业需求注册资金达到一定的数目.

2、Chapter III Organizational Formation & Registered Capital.───第三章组织形式 与 注册资本.

3、having a registered capital of RMB 30,000 yuan or more;───有人民币3万元以上的注册资本;

4、How much do you expect the registered capital to be?───你认为注册资本是多少呢?

5、Registered capital shall be paid - in capital.───注册资本为实缴货币资本.

6、How much would the registered capital be?───注册资金是多少?

7、Registered capital of a solid, long engaged in auto parts production, exports.───注册资金雄厚, 长期从事汽车零件的生产 、 出口.

8、The registered capital should be the actually paid capital.───注册资本应当是实缴资本.

9、How much should the registered capital be?───注册资本该是多少?

10、The ratio of non - monetary property investment company registered capital of up to 70 percent.───其中, 非 货币财产出资比例最高可达公司注册资本的70%.

11、The registered capital of a securities company shall be the paid - in capital.───证券公司的注册资本应当是实缴资本.

12、What are the regulations regardign the foreign party's share in registered capital?───在注册资本中,对国外合营者的投资比例有什么明文规定 吗 ?

13、And if an incident occurs, the intermediary company's registered capital and fixed assets is not none.───而一旦出事, 中介公司的注册资金和固定资产却都不大.

14、After capital reduction, the company's registered capital may not fall below the statutory minimum capital level.───公司减少资本后的注册资本不得低于法定的最低限额.

15、We are a Sino - US joint venture with a registered capital of USD 10 million.───我们是一家中美合资企业,注册资本为1000万美元.

16、The minimum amount of registered capital shall be the paid in money capital.───保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本.

registered capital相似词语短语

1、registered company───注册公司

2、registered charity───注册慈善机构

3、raise capital───筹集资本,集资

4、registered charities───注册慈善机构

5、registered names───[计]寄存器名

6、issued capital───已发行的股本

7、registered name───注册名称

8、refugee capital───游资

9、registered mail───挂号信(邮件)


注册资本(Registered Capital)又称法定资本,是公司制企业在公司登记机关依法登记的、章程规定的全体股东或发起人认缴的出资额或认购的股本总额。


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