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focus groups(focus group中文翻译,focus group是什么意思,focus group发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

focus groups(focus group中文翻译,focus group是什么意思,focus group发音、用法及例句)

focus group

focus group发音

英:  美:

focus group中文意思翻译




focus group双语使用场景

1、Results The practical application of focus group discussions in SASH was improved and standardized.───结果改进和规范了小组访谈法在sash中的实际应用.

2、Method Investigation was carried out by using focus group discussion of medical anthropology.───方法采用医学人类学的专题性访谈进行调查.

3、Ask your focus group if they believe in your brand and why.───询问你的目标群体是否信任你的品牌形象并问明缘由.

4、Result Medical students accepted the manner of focus group discussions.───结果医学生普遍能够接受专题小组讨论的调查形式.

5、So what's the next topic Obama might focus group?───那么,奥巴马下届焦点会议的主题又将是什么呢?

6、Track down and review customer focus group reports.───记录并评论以客户为中心的报告。

7、For a neat extension of focus group methodology, read " Focus Troops. "───阅读文章 “ 焦点群体 ”,对小组计划实行方法进行拓展.

8、These notations are also helpful in analysing focus group results.───这些记录在分析焦点小组结果是也是很有帮助的.

9、Dichter's breakthrough came with a focus group study he did for Betty Crocker foods.───狄克特的突破是一次消费者小组研究,关于贝蒂·克劳客食品公司.

10、Even the marketing of the Barbie doll came from a children's focus group.───甚至芭比娃娃的市场也是来源于一个孩子们的消费者小组.

11、In the way qualitative research this study collects information through reviewing literature and interviewing focus group.───本研究采质性研究,运用文献探讨、焦点团体访谈等方式作为主要蒐集资料的方法.

12、Decide on the research methods ( e . g . focus group, survey ).───确定调研方法 ( 如讨论组 、 抽样调查 ).

13、Conduct a Focus Group with the students after finishing all workshops and report to YDC.───完成所有工作坊后,同行者须与同学进行[焦点讨论],并向本会提交有关学生意见报告.

14、By literature review and focus group discussion, qualitative study justifies the quantitive result.───通过文献检索和焦点组访谈等定性研究方法,印证了定量调查的结果.

15、This became the focus group.───这演变成了消费者小组。

focus group相似词语短语

1、social group───社会团体,社会群体;社会集团

2、form a group───形成一个小组;形成一个群体

3、Local Group───本星系群

4、house group───家庭小组

5、house groups───家庭团体

6、formyl group───[有化]甲酰基;[有化]醛基

7、noun group───名词词组

8、food group───食物群

9、focus groups───焦点小组;关注群体;小组讨论;分组座谈会



1.主持Focus Group,就是召集5-10个人座谈,共同探讨一个话题,收集有价值得定性信息。



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