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contact details中文翻译,contact details是什么意思,contact details发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

contact details中文翻译,contact details是什么意思,contact details发音、用法及例句

1、contact details

contact details发音

英:  美:

contact details中文意思翻译



contact details双语使用场景

1、You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone.───打电话时须留下全名与联络信息。

2、Enter your contact details.───输入您的联系详情。

3、You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone.───你打电话时必须留下自己的完整姓名及用于联络的详细资料。

4、Map of our locations ( we would create ). Office locations and contact details.───地图的位置 ( 我们将创建 ). 办公地点和**.

5、A classified directory of the music education world in the UK, contact details of music institutions.───这是一本关于英国音乐教育分类的指导年鉴, 书中包括了音乐学院**的信息.

6、Populate the edit form with the contact details.───在编辑表单中填写联系人详细信息。

7、Either Party may update its contact details by notifying the Provider.───任何一方当事人均可通知域名争议解决机构,更新其详细的联络信息.

8、What is the purpose of the contact details?───要求填写详细**的目的是什么?

9、To assist us to follow up on your comments, please provide us with your contact details.───为协助本公司跟进你的意见, 请提供联络资料.

10、Appendix D – Contact details for competent authorities have been updated.───附件D-更新了主管当局的联系信息.

11、This could be anything from copyright information to your contact details.───这个可以是关于版权的任何东西.

12、Either Party may update its contact details by notifying the Provider and the Registrar.───通过告知服务提供方和注册方,任何一方可以更新其联络人的详细资料.

contact details相似词语短语

1、check details───检查详细信息

2、contain details───包含详细信息

3、contact centres───联络中心

4、contact dermatitis───[皮肤]接触性皮炎;毒性皮炎

5、obtain details───获取详细信息

6、contact cements───接触胶结物,接触胶合剂;[胶粘]接触粘合法

7、confirm details───确认详细信息


Dear (name of friend):I am having a birthday party this saturday and would like to invite you to come along. I am turning eighteen, which is a big turning point in my life and would want all my friends and family to be there to share this special moment. It would be a casual barbecue at a park near my house and I will send you the exact address closer to the date. Please contact me as soon as possible to inform me of your attendance.RSVP: before fridayContact details: 00000000000

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