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get out of the way中文翻译,get out of the way是什么意思,get out of the way发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

get out of the way中文翻译,get out of the way是什么意思,get out of the way发音、用法及例句

1、get out of the way

get out of the way发音

英:  美:

get out of the way中文意思翻译



让开,避开; 闪; 躲开; 躲闪

get out of the way双语使用场景

1、The animals up the hill to get out of the way of the rushing water.───那些动物爬上山丘,以避开那湍急的水流.

2、Please get out of the way, everybody.───大家让让路。

3、Everybody should of, shut up and sit down get out of the way.───每个人都应该闭上嘴巴,坐下来,让出道路.

4、Get out of the way road rage. Here comes desk rage.───闪开让路,这是暴躁的驾驶人;现在更有暴躁的上班族.

5、M : Okay ! Get out of the way! Let me kill it. Where's my slipper?───来! 让开! 让我来解决它! 我的拖鞋 呢 ?

6、Get out of the way or you die.───让开否则你得死.

7、The man stepped aside to get out of the way.───此人向侧旁走以免挡到路.

8、" Get out of the way ,'she answered, keeping her voice as steady as she could.───" 闪开,闪开! " 她一面回答, 一面尽量保持镇定.

9、Look out ! A truck's coming ! Get out of the way.───车来了,快闪开!

10、Look out! A truck's coming! Get out of the way.───当心!一辆车来了!快闪开!

11、Get out of the way. There is a car coming.───靠边! 有一辆小汽车来了.

12、The driver honked at me to get out of the way.───司机按汽车喇叭叫我让路.

13、Your driving around North Beach and this car won't get out of the way.───你在这附近开车闲逛碰上这辆车闪躲不及.

14、Please—get out of the way.───请让开道。

15、She is unsuperstitious , is infatuated with him actually , never wants to get out of the way.───她并不迷信,但渴望他们会一生一世, 永不分离.

16、Get out of the way there, please!───请让路!

17、Players will be able to get out of the way of this attack.───玩家可以躲避此攻击.

get out of the way相似词语短语

1、be out of the ark───走出方舟

2、get in the way───妨碍,阻碍

3、out of the way───偏僻的;不同寻常的;不挡道;把…移开

4、be out of the way───让开

5、not out of the woods───不是从树林里出来的

6、go out of one's way───特地;不怕麻烦

7、go out of the way───故意;不怕麻烦



1.a o-way street

有别于只有一人在主导一切的one-way street关系,

a o-way street表示双方关系平衡的reciprocal(对等) relationship

2.get out of (someone’s/the) way

get out of (someone’s) way意指要对方离开/让开/滚开

get out of the way意指完成了某件事情

3.by the way,…


4.go all the way

也是「完成」的意思,在**中也常听到,意指have sex(上床)

5.To be a bad way


6.have a way with…

对…很擅长,例如一个作家可以形容”He has a way with words.”

7.way off (the mark)


8.make way


9.way out there


10.be on your/my way




a o-way street, a o-way street 中文, be on my way, be on my way 中文, by the way, by the way 中文, get out of the way, get out of the way 中文, go all the way, go all the way 中文, have a way with, have a way with 中文, make way, make way 中文, To be a bad way, To be a bad way 中文, way, way off, way off 中文, way out there, way out there 中文, way 中文, way 片语, way 相关片语, 路 英文

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