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what happens中文翻译,what happens是什么意思,what happens发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

what happens中文翻译,what happens是什么意思,what happens发音、用法及例句

what happens

what happens发音

英:  美:

what happens中文意思翻译



what happens双语使用场景

1、Now what happens is, rain water, that heavy rain water sort of sits on top of that bedrock sanding clay .───现在所发生的是,雨水,暴雨冲刷基岩上的砂粘土。

2、This has elements of what happens on Earth, but there is not the physical coupling you expect to see when you hear the word "father. "───这包含了地球上发生的一些要素,然而没有你所期望看到的一对物质性夫妇,当你听到“父亲”这个词。

3、What happens if you interpose a glass plate between two mirrors?───要是你把一个玻璃盘子插入两面镜子之间会发生什么?

4、Why don't we just wait a little while and see what happens.───我们何不就等一小会儿,看看发生什么事。

5、"We need to see what happens in Europe and the U. S. , that needs to be resolved before we see the real flow of new IPOs coming, " he added.───“我们需要观察欧洲和美国的情况,这些问题需要先得到解决,我们才能看到新一轮IPO真正涌入,”他并称。

6、Google, a herky-jerky place compared with Apple, tends to put something out there and see what happens.───与苹果相比,谷歌是一个不讲规则的地方,它倾向于把产品先发布出去,然后再观察外界的反应。

7、If you do not care what you do or what happens, it does not matter to you at all.───如果你不在乎你做什么或发生什么,对于你来说一点关系都没有。

8、We'll have to wait and see what happens.───我们只有等着看将会发生什么事情。

9、I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a goal which is to eat, he will get it no matter what happens in front of him.───我吸取了从是的保罗的一个教他有是吃的一个目标,他将得到它,不管在他前面发生。

what happens相似词语短语

1、data pens───数据笔

2、as it happens───碰巧;偶然发生

3、heat hazes───热霾

4、coat hangers───衣架(coathanger的名词复数)



7、fat hens───肥母鸡




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