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grant date(date of grant中文翻译,date of grant是什么意思,date of grant发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

grant date(date of grant中文翻译,date of grant是什么意思,date of grant发音、用法及例句)

1、date of grant

date of grant发音

英:  美:

date of grant中文意思翻译




date of grant双语使用场景

1、Progress Reports are due every 12 months from the payment date of the grant, and within every 12 months of the most recent acceptable Progress Report.───每一奖助金付款日之12个月,同时最近一次核准之进度报告12个月内为进度报告之截止日期。

2、All options granted and accepted can be exercised in whole or in part within 5 years from the date of grant.───所有已授出及获接纳之购股权,可在授出购股权日期起计五年内全数或部份行使。

3、data of application date of grant date of issue date of patent───申请日期授予日期颁发日期专利日期公布日期捐献于公众

4、The exercise price of any option granted to you will be the closing price of A common stock on the date of grant.───不管何种认购权,其行权价都是A股普通股认购权授予当天的收市价。

5、The closing price of the Company's share immediately before the date of grant was HK$18. 10.───本公司股份在紧接授出购股权日期前之收市价为港币18.10元。

6、price of any option granted to you will be the closing price of a common stock on the date of grant.───不管何种认购权,其行权价都是A股普通股认购权授予当天的收市价。

7、Date of Grant in Designated Patent Office───指定专利当局批予专利日期

date of grant相似词语短语

1、stated of grace───魔鬼警长地狱镇(**名)

2、days of graces───宽限日期;延付日

3、rate of growths───增长率

4、days of grace───宽限日期;延付日

5、state of grace───魔鬼警长地狱镇(**名)

6、rate of growth───增长率

7、states of grace───魔鬼警长地狱镇(**名)

8、date of births───出生日期

9、state of graces───魔鬼警长地狱镇(**名)


是名: 格朗(人名)

v. (合法地)授予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意

n. (政府)拨款,补助金;授予,给予;合法转让,正式授予

n. (Grant)(美)格朗(人名)

We have a reservation in the name of Grant.


The film features Cary Grant as a professor.


I'd be homeward bound even before Grantarrived.


France has agreed to grant him political asylum.


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