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heat up中文翻译,heat up是什么意思,heat up发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

heat up中文翻译,heat up是什么意思,heat up发音、用法及例句

heat up

heat up发音

英:  美:

heat up中文意思翻译


变热; 加[煮]热…; 沸腾,使变得激烈; 馏



heat up双语使用场景

1、Turn the heat up high.───把暖气开大。

2、The hall will soon heat up once the crowd arrive.───随着人群的到来大厅很快就沸腾起来.

3、Then in the last couple of years, the movement for democracy began to heat up.───于是在过去几年里,民主运动开始升温。

4、Please heat up the cold meat for supper.───请把冷肉热一下,吃晚饭用.

5、The big room will not heat up easily.───这间大房间不容易变暖.

6、He predicted that antiwar passions were just beginning to heat up.───他预料反战情绪只是刚刚开始变得激烈起来.

7、You'd better heat up the tomato soup.───你最好把蕃茄汤热一下.

8、The office will soon heat up.───办公室很快就会暖和起来.

9、I was at BIoomingdaIe's, waiting for the shower to heat up.───我出去买东西, 等着回来热水开了好洗澡.

10、We will heat up the food in the microwave.───我们会用微波炉把食物加热.

11、Ascension or evolution causes the infrastructure of the biology to heat up.───提升或进化会给生物体的基础结构带来升温.

12、Just heat up the food in the microwave.───把食物放在微波炉里热热就行了。

13、Its sole function would be to heat up international concern and pressure for negotiation.───它的唯一作用就是激起国际上的关切和施加压力以促成谈判.

14、Remember this engine is running backward, and we're pumping heat up.───记住这个热机是反向运行的,我们把热量向上传输。

15、I heat up some water.───我烧些开水.

16、Would you go into the kitchen and heat up some coffee?───请去厨房热些咖啡好 吗 ?

17、The engine will soon heat up.───引擎很快会变热.

18、The oven takes a while to heat up.───烤箱得过会儿才能热起来。

heat up相似词语短语

1、beat up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

2、heated up───加热;变热;升温

3、heats up───加热;变热;升温

4、het up───激动的;生气的

5、eat up───吃光;耗尽;击垮

6、head up───领导;抬高;加盖子于

7、heal up───痊愈;治愈

8、heat pump───[制冷]热泵,蒸汽泵

9、beat ups───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌



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