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two feet中文翻译,two feet是什么意思,two feet发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

two feet中文翻译,two feet是什么意思,two feet发音、用法及例句

two feet

two feet发音

英:  美:

two feet中文意思翻译



two feet双语使用场景

1、The maximum surface velocity near the center is somewhere between one and two feet per day.───靠近中心的最大表面流速为每天大约1~2英尺.

2、The column measures two feet around.───这根柱子周长2英尺.

3、Plant in rows two feet apart.───每隔两英尺种一行.

4、I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than turned to my parents.───我设法自立而不求助于我的父母.

5、The flood has risen two feet.───洪水上涨两英尺.

6、It is time you stood on your own two feet.───是你自食其力的时候了.

7、You must learn to stand on your own two feet.───你必须学会独立生活.

8、The river has risen two feet.───河水涨了两英尺.

9、This desk is four feet in length and two feet wide.───这书桌四英尺长两英尺宽.

10、The water in the river has fallen two feet.───河水水位下降了二英尺.

11、At every two feet which the hole gained in depth they successively withdrew the blocks.───每次掘到二英尺深,他们就陆陆续续地把支架抽出来.

12、The desk is not two feet high.───这张书桌不到两英尺高.

13、A man has two feet; dogs have four feet.───人有两只脚, 狗有四只脚.

14、You can back up another two feet or so.───你可以再退两英尺左右。

15、Soccer needs only two feet and a ball.───足球只需两只脚和一个球。

16、" He is two feet longer than the skiff. " the old man said.───“ 它比这小船还长两英尺, ” 老人说.

17、They're two feet thick.───它们两英尺厚。

18、The fish is two feet in length.───这条鱼有两英尺长.

two feet相似词语短语

1、to fleet───去舰队

2、to felt───感到;体会

3、to feel───感到;体会

4、hoof feet───蹄形家具腿

5、to fee───收费

6、to feer───两个仙女

7、to feed───馈送,供给;供养





• 一只脚:one foot

• 两只脚:two feet

• 多只脚:many feet


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