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make more time中文翻译,make more time是什么意思,make more time发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

make more time中文翻译,make more time是什么意思,make more time发音、用法及例句

make more time

make more time发音

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make more time中文意思翻译



make more time双语使用场景

1、Seven out of 10 people aged 65 and over said they would make more time to make love if they could have their days again.───在被调查的老年人中,70%的人表示,如果让时光倒退,他们将用更多的时间来**。

2、You can't make more time.───您不可能获得更多的时间。

3、If you have to make more time for studying.───如果你不得不用更多的时间来学习。

4、Here are five big ways to make more time, which, ultimately means you'll have a better chance of succeeding at what you want to accomplish.───一下有5个技巧帮你增加更多的时间,也就是说,你完成梦想的机会增大了。

5、Doing that a number of times will either get the engines revving to make more time or will simply improve your playing.───经常这么做不仅让你更懂得利用时间,而且一定能提高你的弹奏技巧。

6、While I agree with John Perry Barlow that we should not pursue happiness for its own sake, I do think we should make more time for play.───我同意约翰·佩里·巴络的观点,他说看在幸福的份上我们不应该追求幸福,我的确认为我们应该用更多的时间嬉戏玩乐。

7、You ought to make more time for your home work.───你应该给自己腾出更多时间做作业。

8、Marine observation of the rapid development of technology, make more time, large scope, multi-scale Marine data increase quickly.───海洋观测技术手段的迅速发展,使得多时段、大范围、多尺度的海洋数据迅速增加。

9、How to Make More Time for sleep?───如何争取更多的睡眠时间?

make more time相似词语短语

1、take one's time───从容不迫;不著急

2、to take your time───慢慢来

3、make someone tired───使某人疲劳

4、make time───腾出时间;抽空;争取时间(=makethetime)

5、ample time───充足的时间

6、at one time───曾经,一度;同时

7、to make good time───好好利用时间

8、all the time───始终,一直

9、more time───更多时间


Make more time字面意思是制造更多时间的意思,但是我们的时间一天都是24小时,我们不可能制造更多时间,因此,也有“让时间更有意义”的意思。

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