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剪纸的英文(cutting paper中文翻译,cutting paper是什么意思,cutting paper发音、用法及例句)

04-03 投稿

剪纸的英文(cutting paper中文翻译,cutting paper是什么意思,cutting paper发音、用法及例句)

cutting paper

cutting paper发音

英:  美:

cutting paper中文意思翻译




cutting paper双语使用场景

1、Used for cutting paper pipe, steel pipe, non-waven fabrics, paper, toiletpaper, sweets and foods.───用于切纸管、钢管、无纺布、纸张、卫生纸及糖果食品等。

2、Papercuts refer to handicrafts made by cutting paper with scissors to form different patterns and pasting them on walls, Windows, doors and ceilings.───剪纸,顾名思义,就是用剪刀把纸剪出各种图形,并且把它们贴在墙上、窗户、门和天花板上的一种手工艺品。

3、Its external cross-cutting paper-cut patterns from the composition of the sun shining into the room through cracks.───其外部由相互交织的剪纸图案组成,阳光可以透过缝隙照入大厅。

4、They're scissors. They're used for cutting paper.───它们是剪刀。它们是用来剪纸的。

5、push reel on cutting paper size of stv or is back, it should be parallel with the crop marks, and table vertically.───推纸器上裁切纸张尺寸的基准线是后挡规,其应与裁切线平行,与工作台垂直。

6、Can spread word, omitted anytime shuttlecock, cutting paper, pressure seal, change paper, printing ink, wash brushes programs and time.───可随时随地练字,省掉铺毡子、裁纸、压镇纸、换纸、调墨、洗毛笔的程序和时间。

7、Through the modification of the algorithm, the precision of cutting paper and follow of cutting speed was approved.───通过对算法的进一步改进,提高了切纸精度,实现了好的剪切速度跟随。

8、Are you cutting paper, too?───你也在剪纸吗?

9、They're scissors. They're used for cutting paper.───它们是剪刀。它们用来剪纸的。

cutting paper相似词语短语

1、baking paper───烘焙纸

2、printing paper───印刷纸;晒图纸

3、voting paper───选票

4、cutting garden───采伐园

5、building paper───建筑纸;[建]防潮纸

6、blotting paper───n.吸墨纸

7、writing papers───书写纸;信纸

8、writing paper───书写纸;信纸

9、blotting papers───n.吸墨纸


My mother is cutting paper .

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