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spring breeze中文翻译,spring breeze是什么意思,spring breeze发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

spring breeze中文翻译,spring breeze是什么意思,spring breeze发音、用法及例句

1、spring breeze

spring breeze发音

英:  美:

spring breeze中文意思翻译



spring breeze双语使用场景

1、The window was on the jar to admit the soft spring breeze.───窗户半开着让春天的和风吹入.

2、The grass out, it was the spring breeze sister calling.───小草探出头来,它被春风姐姐召唤着。

3、Spring breeze, gentle and warm, heal my mind waves and ripples.───春天的风, 轻柔而温暖, 抚平我心中的波澜与涟漪.

4、Let the freshness of spring breeze be your sweetest memory.───让那春风的清新成为你最甜的记忆.

5、The spring breeze brings warmth, and flowers competes in splendor.───春风送暖, 百花争妍.

6、The slender willow twigs were swaying in the gentle spring breeze.───春风袅袅吹拂着袅娜的柳丝.

7、Cool spring breeze, everything looks new and fresh.───春风送爽, 万象更新.

8、Spring breeze in a beautiful dream at night.───夜来和风尽入美梦.

9、Green leaves protect safflower, the fragrant companion spring breeze of flower.───绿叶护红花, 花香伴春风.

10、The spring breeze - lied with the flowers.───春风与花卉嬉戏.

11、The spring breeze lifted the edge of her blouse.───春风掀动了她的衣襟.

12、The favor of that sunshine, the spring breeze in the Huanghai Sea.───那阳光的恩赐, 那黄海的春风.

13、The spring breeze is pleasantly warm.───春风和煦.

14、On this day, weather, fresh air, the spring breeze blowing, very comfortable.───这一天, 天气晴朗, 空气清新, 春风徐徐吹来, 舒畅极了.

15、A spring breeze is stroking the face.───春风拂面.

16、Spring breeze and fresh flowers make the hearts relax and joyous.───春风吹花,心内觉舒畅乐也.

17、Thee spring breeze with filar silk chill, came to our school.───春风带着丝丝的寒意,来到了我们的校园。

spring breeze相似词语短语

1、spring peeper───春雨蛙

2、spring greens───春绿色

3、price freeze───[物价]价格冻结

4、Spring break───春假

5、strong breezes───[气象]强风;劲风,六级风

6、Spring breaks───春假

7、strong breeze───[气象]强风;劲风,六级风



英文全称:Spring breeze


1、I shall not compare thee to the breeze of spring,For it never goes far enough to my heartstring


2、The spring breeze brings warmth, and flowers competes in splendor.

春风送暖, 百花争妍.

3、Cool spring breeze, everything looks new and fresh.

春风送爽, 万象更新.

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