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go to great lengths to do(go to great lengths中文翻译,go to great lengths是什么意思,go to great lengths发音、用法及

04-12 投稿

go to great lengths to do(go to great lengths中文翻译,go to great lengths是什么意思,go to great lengths发音、用法及例句)

go to great lengths

go to great lengths发音

英:  美:

go to great lengths中文意思翻译


不遗余力,竭尽全力; 不惜工本

go to great lengths双语使用场景

1、Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive.───有些人千方百计使他们的家令人钦羡.

2、The culture is strong because they go to great lengths to hire people who "belong."───强势文化的原因在于他们竭尽全力去雇佣“属于”公司的人。

3、He'll go to great lengths to get his child back from his former wife.───不管花多大力气,他都要把孩子从前妻那里要回来.

4、For my own sake , I'm ready to go to great lengths to keep you here.───兄弟为个人打算,也愿意千方百计扣住你们.

5、Many doctors go to great lengths to provide such information.───很多医生想方设法提供这些信息.

6、Choosy Antarctic female fur seals go to great lengths to find the right mate.───雌性海狗(又名“毛皮海狮”或“毛皮海豹”)在择偶时十分挑剔,它们会竭尽全力寻找最合适的配偶。

7、She'll go to great lengths to get promotion.───为了得到提升,她什么都干得出来.

8、We go to great lengths to hire only the most reliable and trustworthy employees available.───我们尽力雇佣那些值得信赖的雇员.

9、Our track record shows we go to great lengths to bring the truth to the world without fear or favour.───我们的业绩记录显示我们竭尽全力把真相带个这个世界,毫无畏惧,无所恩惠。

10、He decided to go to great lengths to fulfill his ambition.───他决定不惜代价去实现它的雄心壮志.

11、Andif he did a little better, we would go to great lengths to reinforce him.───如果他做的好了一点, 我们就使劲夸奖鼓励他.

go to great lengths相似词语短语

1、to go to great lengths to do sth───竭尽全力做某事

2、focal lengths───[光][摄]焦距

3、go to any length───不惜采取任何手段,竭尽全力;无所不用其极

4、at arm's length───疏远;在手臂伸得到的地方

5、go great guns───高速高效地干

6、dress lengths───衫长

7、extreme lengths───最大长度




go through经历;完成;检查;

go to excess走极端;

go to great lengths竭尽全力;

go to sleep入睡,睡着;

go to the expense of为…的目的花钱;

go to war开始作战;

go together相配;恋爱;

go under沉没;失败,破产

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