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bollinger bands中文翻译,bollinger bands是什么意思,bollinger bands发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

bollinger bands中文翻译,bollinger bands是什么意思,bollinger bands发音、用法及例句

bollinger bands

bollinger bands发音

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bollinger bands中文意思翻译



bollinger bands双语使用场景

1、Some traders like to use standard deviation channels, often called Bollinger bands, which expand and contract in response to market volatility.───有些交易者喜欢用标准背离通道,经常被称作布林通道,根据市场波动情况它会伸缩。

2、The important thing to know about Bollinger Bands is that they contain up to 95% of the closing prices, depending on the settings.───重要的事知道布林通道是,他们包含多达95%的收盘价,依赖其设定。

3、Straight channels or envelopes work better for profit taking than standard deviation channels, or Bollinger bands.───通道或包络线,在兑现利润方面比标准背离通道或布林通道好。

4、The two main types of channels are straight envelopes and standard deviation channels, often called Bollinger bands.───有两种主要的通道,一种叫包络线,另一种叫标准背离通道,后者通常叫做布林通道。

5、In this instance, Bollinger Bands do not give any hint as to the future direction of prices.───在这种情况下,布林线不给任何提示,告诉您的未来发展方向的价格。

6、A Bollinger band technical indicator looks similar to the moving average envelope, but differs in how the outer bands are created.───布林线技术指标和移动平均包络线相同,但是不同是外部布林线是怎样创建的。

7、The experiment results show that it is an effective method to reflect the characteristics of real estate cycle fluctuations and forecast the price trend with the K-line theory and Bollinger Bands.───实验结果证明,K线与布林线组合的房地产周期波动分析及价格趋势预测是一种有效的研究手段,能够反映房地产周期波动的特征及趋势,是一种值得推广的研究方法。

8、Usage of Bollinger Bands is based on the fact that prices usually remain within the limits of upper and lower borders.───布林线的使用是建立在价格始终保持在最高和最低限度之间的事实基础之上的。

9、In a nutshell, when Bollinger bands become narrow, volatility is low, and options should be bought.───总体说,当布林通道空间变窄时,波动就小,应该买期权。

bollinger bands相似词语短语

1、falling bands───下降带

2、blues bands───[地质]蓝带

3、challenger banks───挑战者银行

4、big bands───大乐队

5、Alice bands───爱丽丝乐队

6、younger hands───年轻的手

7、falling band───下降带



波动率指数是用来衡量标准普尔500指数(S&P 500 Index)期权的隐含波动率。芝加哥期权交易所(Chicago Board Options Exchange,CBOE)的波动率指数(Volatility Index,VIX)或者称之为“恐惧指数”,VIX指数每日计算,代表市场对未来30天的市场波动率的预期。

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