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sales tax中文翻译,sales tax是什么意思,sales tax发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

sales tax中文翻译,sales tax是什么意思,sales tax发音、用法及例句

sales tax

sales tax发音

英:[ˈseɪlz tæks]  美:[ˈseɪlz tæks]

英:  美:

sales tax中文意思翻译




sales tax双语使用场景

1、Eligible for the SME credit guarantee agencies are exempt from sales tax.───对符合条件的中小企业信用担保机构免征营业税.

2、Buyers charged 8% sales tax on all goods.───所有货物营业税的8%是由买主支付的.

3、C In American, people pay sales tax on many items that they buy.───在美国, 很多商品是要付销售税的.

4、The sales tax rate is a detail I abstract out of the code and store externally.───销售税率是一种细节,我要把它从代码中抽象出来存放到外部.

5、Some states use tax in addition to sales tax to raise their revenues.───有些州还要征收个人所得税,以提高州政府每年的收入.

6、Our prices are exclusive of sales tax.───我们的价格不包括销售税.

7、Beside sales tax, some states also levy income tax.───某些州除了征收销售税还征收所得税.

8、Yes, but there's sales tax.───是的, 可是还有销售税.

9、Computing the sales tax.───计算销售税。

10、Indirect taxes are imposed in the form of customs duty, excise and sales tax.───间接税是以进口关税 、 销售税和营业税的形式征收.

11、What online sales are subject to sales tax?───什么东西在线销售需要销售费?

12、Buyers are charged 8 % sales tax on all goods.───买主购买的所有商品都要加收8%的购物税.

13、The liability for the sales tax is incurred at the time the sale in made.───责任为销售税被招致在销售时候在做.

14、A 6 % Idaho State Sales Tax is collected from customers who are Idaho residents.───达荷州的销售税从收集顾客爱达荷州的居民.

15、The senator proposed to abolish the sales tax.───该参议员建议废止销售税.

16、Some states charge income tax in addition to sales tax.───某些州除了征收销售税外还征收收入所得税.

17、At present the New York City sales tax is 8 percent.───目前,纽约的购物税是8%.

18、Sales Tax will be collected on sales made within the State of Utah.───销售税将被收集在犹他州国提出的销售.

19、VAT a sales tax that hits the poor hardest, went up.───增值税------对穷人打击最重的零售税, 反而增加了.

20、Import restraints are equivalent to a sales tax and often apply to necessities.───进口限制相当于销售税,而且往往是针对必需品.

21、Every province with the exception of Alberta implements a provincial sales tax or Harmonized Sales Tax.───除了阿尔伯特省以外,每个省都有省销售税或合并销售税.

22、New Jersey residents to a 6 % sales tax.───新泽西州的居民受了6%的销售税.

23、The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax.───营业税被并入了个人所得税.

24、The state's unpopular sales tax on snacks has ended.───该州不得人心的快餐销售税已经取消。

25、That includes rental for three days, insurance and sales tax, plus added fee for gasoline.───那包含了租三天的车 、 保险和印花税, 加上油钱.

26、In some states there is no sales tax on food consumed.───在一些州,食用的食品是没有销售税的.

27、Do you have to pay a sales tax in your country?───在你们国家你必须支付营业税 吗 ?

28、Sales Tax is calculated according to 5 % of Sales Turnover.───消费税是根据营业额的5%计算的.

29、Income from sales tax went down.───来自销售税的收入下降了。

sales tax相似词语短语

1、sales staff───销售人员

2、sales taxes───营业税;[税收]销售税

3、sales talk───游说;招揽买卖的话

4、sales fall───销售额下降

5、sales talks───游说;招揽买卖的话

6、sales call───销售拜访;销售访问;推销呼叫

7、salt tax───盐税

sales tax是什么意思?

营业税或者销售税的意思。另外,在美国营业税和销售税都可以叫sales tax  1、营业税多附加于营业额;  2、销售税一般从价,跟增值税结构差不多(参见CAN零售税RST)(当然大陆比较特色,把销售税叫营业税:于是乎就有了“营改增”这种事);  3、消费税是Excise针对特定货品及业务征收的。  单笔零售额、销售收入毛利、或人头。使用税是营业税的补充可类比增值税与关税,对由邦国境外带入辖区使用、保存或消耗的物品开征。故而对同一事务通常只开征二者其一。(US)

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