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have breakfast中文翻译,have breakfast是什么意思,have breakfast发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

have breakfast中文翻译,have breakfast是什么意思,have breakfast发音、用法及例句

have breakfast

have breakfast发音

英:[hæv ˈbrekfəst]  美:[hæv 'brekfəst]

英:  美:

have breakfast中文意思翻译



have breakfast双语使用场景

1、Can I have breakfast in my room?───我可以在房间吃早餐 吗 ?

2、Wash your hands and face and have breakfast quickly.───去洗手,洗脸,赶快吃早点.

3、I put a book on the desk and then to have breakfast.───早就阅览室占个座位,然去吃早饭.

4、They are going to have breakfast.───他们正打算去吃早餐。

5、Now don't forget to have breakfast at eight and lunch at one.───“可别忘了八点吃早饭,一点吃午饭.

6、After I get dressed, I have breakfast.───我穿好衣服后吃早餐.

7、After I get dressed, I'll have breakfast.───穿上衣服后我将吃早饭.

8、It is important for us to have breakfast every day.───每天吃早餐对我们来说非常重要.

9、After that, I go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast.───然后, 我下楼到厨房去吃早饭.

10、They have breakfast at six.───他们六点吃早餐。

11、In my opinion, they are the people who to have breakfast most.───个人觉得他们是最需要吃早餐的.

12、I would like to have breakfast served in my room.───我想要在我的房间里用早点.

13、From what time can I have breakfast?───什么时候可以吃早餐?

14、It is spring time. We usually have breakfast at seven - thirty.───现在是春天, 我们通常七点半吃早饭.

15、You can have breakfast in the buffet car on the train.───你可以在火车的餐车上吃早餐.

16、At nine o' clock on the dot, they have breakfast.───他们在9点钟准时吃早饭。

17、Do you want to have breakfast?───你想吃早餐吗?

18、After a shower he to cafeteria to have breakfast.───他洗了澡以后就去餐厅吃早饭.

have breakfast相似词语短语

1、to breakfast───吃早餐

2、English breakfast───n.英式早餐(熏肉、蛋、烤面包和果酱)


4、power breakfasts───权力早餐;巨头早餐会


6、power breakfast───权力早餐;巨头早餐会

7、bed and breakfasts───欧洲的一种简易旅馆;住宿加早餐

8、a dog's breakfast───狗的早餐

9、bed and breakfast───欧洲的一种简易旅馆;住宿加早餐


have breakfast意思是:吃早餐。

例句:Do you have breakfast?


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