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store away中文翻译,store away是什么意思,store away发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

store away中文翻译,store away是什么意思,store away发音、用法及例句

store away

store away发音

英:  美:

store away中文意思翻译


储存某物, 收起某物; 把…记在心里


store away双语使用场景

1、This product comes with a child - cap. Refrigeration not required. After opening, store away from direct light.───本品有防止儿童开启的盖子, 不需要冰箱冷藏,开封后, 避免光线照射.

2、To mulitiplex, simply store away the scanned operator's value, exactly as you did for integers.───要进行组合,只需存储已扫描的运算符的值,就象对整数所进行的操作一样。

3、My pt. was fascinated by my description of people's stories or narratives, I store away under faces.───我的病人对于我所讲述的储存在人脸之下的故事感到着迷。

4、We need not store away coal for winter any more because we have heating.───我们再不用储存煤过冬了,因为我们有了暖气.

5、These heaters are less obtrusive and are easy to store away in the summer.───这些取暖器不那么难看,在夏天也容易收藏。

6、Shelf Life: 2 years if sealed store away from direct sun light.───保质期: 两年,注意密封且避免阳光直射.

store away相似词语短语

1、stow away───偷乘;无票偷乘;收藏

2、scare away───把…吓跑

3、stows away───偷乘;无票偷乘;收藏

4、tore away───强行拉走;强迫...离开

5、wore away───磨损;消磨;流逝

6、torn away───强行拉走;强迫...离开

7、stride away───大步走开

8、square away───v.迎风扬帆;摆好姿势;把一切弄整齐

9、stowed away───偷乘;无票偷乘;收藏

put away同义的短语?

put away是收起来的意思,put aside也有类似的意思。

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