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飞机模型的英语(model plane中文翻译,model plane是什么意思,model plane发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

飞机模型的英语(model plane中文翻译,model plane是什么意思,model plane发音、用法及例句)

1、model plane

model plane发音

英:  美:

model plane中文意思翻译



model plane双语使用场景

1、I am able to make a model plane.───我会制作飞机模型。

2、On the table there is a model plane.───桌子上有一架飞机模型.

3、The boy followed out the instructions and made a fine model plane.───那孩子完全按照说明,造出了一架漂亮的飞机模型.

4、Jack's gift is a model plane.───杰克的礼物是一架飞机模型.

5、a kit for a model plane───一套飞机模型元件

6、CRYSTAL, KEY CHIAN, DESK CLOCK, NAME CARD HOLDER , MODEL PLANE , BOOK MARK, LETTER OPENER, AWARD, AND SO ON.───主营产品或服务:水晶制品, 钥匙扣, 钟座, 名片盒,飞机模型, 书签, 开信刀, 奖杯,微章等名种礼品.

7、The boy bent his attention on making a model plane.───那男孩埋头于制作模型飞机.

8、He made a model plane out of wood.───他用木头做了一架模型飞机.

9、Jack: A model plane! I love it.───杰克: 一架飞机模型! 我非常喜欢它.

10、The tail is fixed on the model plane with nails.───机尾用钉子牢牢固定在模型飞机上。

11、My model plane is broken.───我的模型飞机坏了.

12、John is repairing his model plane at his leisure.───约翰不慌不忙地修理着他的航模.

13、I saw him making his model plane.───我看见他在制作模型飞机.

14、Jack has a model plane.───杰克有一架飞机模型.

15、The tail is fixed on the model plane with nails; it cannot come off.───模型飞机的机尾是用钉子钉在飞机上的, 不会掉下来.

16、The model plane flew over the river.───模型飞机飞过河.

17、sleek aerodynamic form of the Thunderbolt's titanium and sapphire envelope has its roots in Maximilian busser's childhood passion for assembling model plane kits.───雷电精致光鲜的外壳使用了钛金属和蓝宝石,按照空气动力学原理制造。这个设计来源于Maximilian busser童年时对组装模型飞机的热情爱好。

model plane相似词语短语

1、rocket plane───喷气式飞机;火箭飞机

2、router plane───平槽刨

3、coral plant───炮仗竹

4、focal plane───[光]焦面,[光][摄]焦平面

5、fore plane───粗刨

6、focal planes───[光]焦面,[光][摄]焦平面

7、London plane───英国梧桐

8、badger plane───[木]槽刨

9、model planes───模型飞机

2、用model plane造句?

1、Peter has a model plane.

2、I tailed the model plane.

3、He built a model plane for me.

4、Tom is making a model plane.

5、I can make a model plane.

6、The boy made a model plane all by himself.

7、I'll trade my stamp collecting for your model plane.

8、Did you make the model plane on Sunday?

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