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human factors中文翻译,human factors是什么意思,human factors发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

human factors中文翻译,human factors是什么意思,human factors发音、用法及例句

human factors

human factors发音

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human factors中文意思翻译



human factors双语使用场景

1、In the process of CIM implementation, different human factors will lead the project into different directions.───在CIM实施过程中, 不同的人因会导致不同的结果.

2、That suggests reforms should focus on the human factors.───这显示改革需要以人性因素为本。

3、Some consultant companies concluded that 70 % obstacles of CIM implementation came from human factors.───一些顾问公司认为,CIM实施过程中,70%的障碍来自人的因素.

4、Formerly the human factors always been neglected in preventing or analyzing the accident.───电力系统传统的故障预防与分析方法往往忽略了造成故障的重要的一环———人的因素.

5、Ergonomics is also known as human engineering, human factors engineering, user - centred design, and inclusive design.───人机工程学又称人体工程学, 人因工程, 用户为中心的设计, 和包容性的设计.

6、Evaluation of human factors is one of the important components in safety evaluation.───人因评价是安全评价中的重要组成部分.

7、We should take measures to put an end to this damage caused by human factors.───对这种人为因素造成的损害要采取措施加以杜绝.

8、Non - human factors would have produced quite different effects.───非人 类因素会产生相当不同的效果.

9、soaring temperatures clearly played their part in aggravating the fires, so did a number of human factors.───温度猛增对大火加剧无疑起到了推波助澜的作用,但也不乏种种人为因素。

10、He thinks a combination of natural and human factors contributed to the attacks in the Red Sea.───他认为,自然因素与人为因素都要为红海的鲨鱼攻击事件负责。

11、Active Defense; risk control; Human factors; Construction projects; Owners.───主动防范; 控制风险; 人为因素; 项目建设; 业主.

12、According to the data, more than 80 % industrial accidents are caused by the human factors.───资料显示, 80%以上的生产事故是由人为因素造成的.

13、When studying Macbeth, people usually ascribe to the external environment, human factors even uncontrollable destiny.───人们在研究《麦克白》时, 一般将麦克白悲剧归结于外在环境 、 人为因素甚或不可驾驭的命运.

14、Are recommendations unambiguous? Do recommendations follow clear usability, human factors, or ergonomics guidelines?───研究所做的建议是否清晰? 这些建议符合可用性 、 人因素和工效学的原则 吗 ?

15、Grassland degradation of Tongde County was caused by both natural factors and human factors.───同德县的草地退化是自然因素和人为因素共同综合作用的结果.

human factors相似词语短语

1、fudge factors───容差系数

2、house factors───房屋因素

3、common factors───[数]公因数

4、drag factors───阻力系数

5、corn factors───玉米因素

6、fun factor───有趣的因素

7、human errors───人为错误(humanerror的复数)


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