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elastic modulus中文翻译,elastic modulus是什么意思,elastic modulus发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

elastic modulus中文翻译,elastic modulus是什么意思,elastic modulus发音、用法及例句

elastic modulus

elastic modulus发音

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elastic modulus中文意思翻译




elastic modulus双语使用场景

1、Confining pressure have different influence on strength elastic modulus and damage form obviously.───在围压相同情况下,岩石的蠕变损伤与扰动冲击荷载能量有关.

2、With equivalent hydraulic model developed , elastic modulus of fractured rock may be modified with fracture properties.───在物理力学参数的确定中,考虑了裂隙 、 溶洞对岩体弹性模量的影响.

3、The equivalent elastic modulus was deduced by comprehensive considering deflection and elastic modulus.───通过综合考虑挠度引起弹性模量和弹性伸长引起弹性模量推导出等效弹性模量.

4、The elastic modulus is a measure of the resistance of a material to deformation under load.───弹性模量是材料在受到负荷变形时产生的阻力的衡量.

5、An elastic modulus of single voxel was measured and analyzed measure physical properties of materials.───提出了一种飞秒激光双光子成型点弹性模量的测量及结果分析方法.

6、The hooping mechanism coefficient, theoretic formulas of the composite axis pressed elastic modulus were gained.───理论计算公式能够准确可靠地描述钢管混凝土构件在小变形下的弹性行为及套箍机理.

7、The results show that the hardness and elastic modulus increase as the sputter power increases.───实验结果显示其硬度与弹性模数皆会随著溅镀功的增加而增加。

8、An empirical equation describing the relationship of elastic modulus and compressive strength of RAC is obtained.───建立了再生骨料混凝土弹性模量与立方体抗压强度的相关关系式.

9、modal frequency of the packaging structure increases with the elastic modulus of potting material.───封装结构的模态频率随着灌封胶弹性模量的增大而增大。

10、But the optical surfacing on SiC mirrors is extremely difficult because of its high hardness and elastic modulus.───但是,由于碳化硅材料所具有高硬度、高弹性模量等性质,使碳化硅质反射镜的光学加工难度很大。

11、There are the relationship between elastic modulus and phase - speed and surface - displacement of Lamb wave.───随着弹性模量的变化,兰姆波相速度和表面位移场与弹性模量之间有一定的对应关系.

12、The various types of stress, strain, and elastic modulus are summarized in Table 10 - 3 .───各种应力 、 应变和弹性模量列于表 10-3 中.

13、Consequently a new reliably approach to identify dynamic elastic modulus of damand that of rock basement.───本文的方法也适用于一般结构的振动参数识别问题的求解.

14、The larger the elastic modulus, the greater the stress needed for a given strain.───弹性模量越大, 产生一定应变所需要的应力也越大.

15、Stem stiffness depends the elastic modulus the material and to the fourth power of the diameter.───假体柄的刚度由制备材料的弹性模量决定且与直径的4次方成正比.

16、The elastic modulus and the plastic properties are affected by the dissolution process.───弹性模量和塑性参数受溶解过程的影响.

17、The third moment creep will occur when the generalized elastic modulus is less than zero.───广义弹性模量小于零时,对应第三阶段蠕变.

18、The objective of this experiment is to measure the Elastic Modulus of steel.───实验目的是测量钢的弹性模量.

elastic modulus相似词语短语

1、plastic moneys───信用卡

2、distance modulus───[天]距离模数

3、plastic monies───塑料货币

4、elastic clauses───弹性条款

5、elastic bands───橡皮圈(elasticband的复数)

6、elastic clause───弹性条款

7、elastic limits───[力]弹性极限;[力]弹性限度

8、elastic moduli───弹性模数

9、elastic rebounds───弹性复元;[力]弹性回跳


储能模量(Elastic modulus)是材料在弹性变形阶段,由于发生弹性形变,从而具有的应力与相应的应变之间的关系。储能模量是一个标量,没有方向。对于各向同性材料,其储能模量为E。对于各向异性材料,其储能模量将具有不同的值,这些值通常由实验测量得出。

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