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forgone conclusion中文翻译,forgone conclusion是什么意思,forgone conclusion发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

forgone conclusion中文翻译,forgone conclusion是什么意思,forgone conclusion发音、用法及例句

forgone conclusion

forgone conclusion发音

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forgone conclusion中文意思翻译



forgone conclusion双语使用场景

1、You probably are already aware that the greens are experiencing turf problems, so it is a forgone conclusion that they need to be rebuilt from an agronomic standpoint.───你可能已经注意到果岭已经有了草坪问题,那么先暂且不说果岭是因为农艺原因而需要改造的。

2、Phase 4 indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion.───第4阶段显示出显着增加风险大流行,但并不一定意味着大流行是一个放弃的结论。

3、4 "indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion."───4级“就意味着某流行病的危险性大大提高,但是并不是指针对该流行病我们就束手无措了。”

forgone conclusion相似词语短语

1、foregone conclusion───预料之中必然发生的事情;不可避免的结局

2、a foregone conclusion───预料中的结局

3、in conclusion───总之;最后

4、proper inclusion───适当包含

5、foregone conclusions───预料之中必然发生的事情;不可避免的结局


7、coronary occlusion───心肌梗塞



结语:forgone conclusion,forgone conclusion 翻译: 注定的结局;必然的结果。 · It was a forgone conclusion that he would win the election. 他会赢得选举是注定的结果。美国习惯用语 | foregone conclusion,foregone的意思是先前的、预知的,而conclusion的意思是结果。foregone conclusion意思就是“注定的结果,不可避免的结果”。

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