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un number中文翻译,un number是什么意思,un number发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

un number中文翻译,un number是什么意思,un number发音、用法及例句

un number

un number发音

英:  美:

un number中文意思翻译



un number双语使用场景

1、So as he describes, empower should be un umbrella organization for a large number of communities on business.───就像之前所说的,对于很多社区来说,这应该成为一个伞状的组织。

2、product features an un-circulated one-dollar note with a serial number beginning with "8888," which is seen by many Chinese as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.───玉兔”吉利钱每张面值为一美元,编号以8888开头,在许多中国人眼中,这组数字是好运兴旺的象征。

3、UN refugee agency spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis says records show that during the same period last year more than 7,000 people had arrived in Yemen and about the same number had perished.───联合国难民署女发言人詹尼弗。帕格尼丝说,记录显示去年同期有7,000多人到达也门,约有相同的死亡数。

un number相似词语短语

1、in numbers───分册地,分数次

2、to number───至编号

3、huge number───大量

4、R number───R编号

5、f number───焦距值;光圈数

6、VAT number───增值税税号

7、T number───T编号

8、E number───E编号

9、dual number───[数]对偶数


UN United Nations 联合国

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