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operations director中文翻译,operations director是什么意思,operations director发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

operations director中文翻译,operations director是什么意思,operations director发音、用法及例句

operations director

operations director发音

英:  美:

operations director中文意思翻译



operations director双语使用场景

1、Skydive San Diego's operations director, Blake Robinson, said Lenzner is one of the oldest people he's ever seen jump.───圣地亚哥跳伞公司的运营总监BlakeRobinson称,Lenzner是他见过年纪最大的跳伞者之一。

2、at Spotify, I discussed Kanban with my colleagues and our Operations director, and we decided to give it a shot.───在Spotify,我和同事及运维主管讨论了看板方法,然后决定试一试。

3、Anyway, once at Spotify, I discussed Kanban with my colleagues and our Operations director, and we decided to give it a shot.───结果在Spotify,我和同事及运维主管讨论了看板方法,然后决定试一试。

4、2003 operations director of a shanghai based foreign jv company , responsible in administration and human resource management.───2003年在上海中外合资企业任营运总监,对国内外企业的行政、人事管理有丰富的经验。

5、"They were blooming useless. To come back here was a weight lifted from our shoulders, " said Dawn Bone, operations director.───该公司业务主管道恩-波恩(DawnBone)表示:“它们非常无用。回到这里,是放下了我们肩上的重担。”

6、Woman:... And our studio guest today is Giles Milton. Operations Director at the National Weather Centre, Giles, welcome.───女:今天来到我们录音室的客人是贾尔斯·米尔顿先生,国家气象中心的运营总监。贾尔斯,欢迎你。

7、The company's operations director Leslie Wong said: "The passenger fare for the more sensitive, everyone wants to find a cheaper ticket. "───该公司运营主管莱斯利·黄表示:“旅客对于票价愈来愈敏感,大家都想找到更便宜的机票。”

8、people of Nanjing grew up together with these trees, " said He Jinxue, the daily operations director for the city's urban construction commission. "There is so much emotional attachment to them.───南京人是和这些树一起长大的”,南京市城市建设局的日常运营总监何进学(音译)说,“对它们有心理上的依恋”。

9、"This system will act as a superhighway for clean energy, " said Rick Needham, Google's green-business operations director.───“该系统将成为清洁能源的高速公路”,谷歌绿色商务运营总监李克·李约瑟说。

operations director相似词语短语

1、executive director───执行理事;常务董事

2、operations room───操作室;手术室

3、promotions director───推广总监

4、casting director───n.星探,负责挑选演员的人;(**或戏剧)角色分配导演

5、operations center───作战中心

6、operations centers───[计]操作中心

7、operations directors───运营总监

8、promotions directors───促销总监

9、operations centre───操作指挥中心


operation director 运营总监;营运总监;营运处长 例句筛选

1. Other work assigned by operation director. 其他营运总监布置的工作。

2. Provide daily secretarial assistance to Sales Operation Director with likereception, reservation, translation, documentation etc . 提供日常秘书工作,包括人员接待,日程安排,翻译,文件归档等。

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