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there is nothing(there s nothing中文翻译,there s nothing是什么意思,there s nothing发音、用法及例句)

04-01 投稿

there is nothing(there s nothing中文翻译,there s nothing是什么意思,there s nothing发音、用法及例句)

there s nothing

there s nothing发音

英:  美:

there s nothing中文意思翻译



there s nothing双语使用场景

1、There's nothing more frustrating than having the shutter snap shut just a few seconds before a choice streak shoots across the sky.───没有什么比在流星划过天空前几秒才按快门更令人失望的了。

2、"There's nothing about this assessment that indicates that you are fit or not fit to be a soldier, " says Cornum.───“这份评估并没有指出你适不适合当兵,”Cornum说。

3、Go ahead! There's nothing to be afraid of.───吧!没有什么可怕的。

4、So maybe it's just a matter of each person having his own principles and there's nothing more to say about it.───或许,我们只要每个人还是坚持自己的原则,我们也不会对别人的原则说三道四。

5、There's nothing to be afraid of.───没有什么要害怕的。

6、nothing at all stiff about him.───他的态度毫无生硬之处。

7、There's nothing wrong with asking for a moment to think about a question or asking for the interviewer to clarify the question.───没有什么不妥了一会儿说要考虑一个问题或面试官要求澄清的问题。

8、There's nothing more rewarding than being in bed with a beautiful, intelligent woman who, just a few months ago, was out of your league.───还有什么比在床上被人用一个美丽,聪明的女人谁,就在几个月前,是你配不上奖励。

9、I said, "I'm designing newspapers. " "What? There's nothing to design there. It's just boring letters" (Laughter) And she was right.───我祖母说,「什么?那只不过是一堆无聊的字母,哪有什么东西好设计的?」(笑声)不幸的是,我祖母的确是对的。

there s nothing相似词语短语

1、there's nothing to it───没什么大不了的

2、there's nothing for it───没什么好做的

3、the real thing───正品;原装货

4、there's nothing like───没有比这更好的了

5、there is nothing for it───没什么好做的

6、there's no hurry───不忙

7、there's no mistaking───没有错

8、there's no telling───没什么好说的

9、there is no knowing───无从知道

there is nothing是肯定句还是否定句?

答案是:there is nothing 这句话的意思是什么也没有,它是一个含有否定意义的肯定句。

上面给的是there be的陈述句,nothing(没有什么),是一个不定代词,含有否定意思。但是句子并不是否定句。如果它是否定句的话,就要给be(is)后面加not才构成否定句式

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