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north korea中文翻译,north korea是什么意思,north korea发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

north korea中文翻译,north korea是什么意思,north korea发音、用法及例句

north korea

north korea发音

英:  美:

north korea中文意思翻译



north korea双语使用场景

1、Xinhua said China was now communicating with North Korea about the crash.───新华社说,中国正在就坠机事件同朝鲜沟通.

2、The answer is simple: We will hold North Korea accountable.───答案很简单: 我们将让北韩承担责任.

3、North Korea now faces a clear choice about its future.───北韩将何去何从,现在面临着明确的选择.

4、Her plump figure indicates that she is among North Korea's privileged elite.───她丰满的身材表明她是朝鲜享有特权的精英之一。

5、Financial crisis, North Korea, climate change among issues on agenda.───金融危机, 北朝鲜, 气候变化在议程问题中间.

6、In its declaration, North Korea will state how much plutonium it possesses.───北韩在其申报材料中将说明拥有多少钚.

7、Admittedly, North Korea is not a fully paid - up member yet.───不可否认, 朝鲜还不是一名正式会员.

8、However, North Korea instead accused South Korea of firing the first shot.───但北韩则指控南韩首先开火.

9、Bop Ta has visited North Korea almost 100 times, sometimes checking the recipients of handouts.───Bop Ta 已走访朝鲜近100次,有时检查救济对象。

10、Why did you have to come to our town to turn it into North Korea?───为什么你要来我们镇把这里变成朝鲜?

11、North Korea and for years the bulk purchase of various materials.───并常年为朝鲜大量采购各种物资.

12、The weaknesses of North Korea's air force and armored forces, as well as its chronic lack of fuel, mean that their ability to fight south is limited.───朝鲜的空军和装甲部队的弱点,以及长期缺乏燃料,意味着他们南下作战的能力是有限的。

13、Iraq, North Korea and other international matters were also discussed.───伊拉克, 北朝鲜和其它国际事物也是讨论的内容.

14、And they contradict North Korea's own proud prior commitments.───北韩背叛了他们自己此前做出的承诺.

15、North Korea has threatened to test-fire an intercontinental ballistic missile .───朝鲜已威胁要试射一枚洲际弹道导弹。

16、China and North Korea each claim the river itself as its territory.───中国和朝鲜均声称图们江是本国领土.

17、North Korea claims it placed an experimental communications satellite into space.───朝鲜称向太空发射了一枚实验通讯卫星.

18、The third, North Korea and, no doubt, Iran, have flouted it.───第三波, 北朝鲜和, 毫无疑问, 伊朗对条约表示蔑视.

north korea相似词语短语

1、North Poles───北极

2、North Korea───n.朝鲜;北韩

3、north nodes───北节点

4、South Korea───南韩

5、north pole───n.北极

6、north node───北节点

7、North Koreans───朝鲜人

8、North Borneo───北婆罗洲(马来西亚第二大洲)

9、North Korean───朝鲜人;朝鲜(人)的

north korea哪个国家?


朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(英语:Democratic People's Republic of Korea,也称North Korea),简称“朝鲜”,是位于东亚朝鲜半岛北部的社会主义国家,执政党是朝鲜劳动党,首都平壤。南部与韩国以三八线朝韩非军事区分隔,北部与中华人民共和国和俄罗斯接壤。西临黄海,与山东半岛隔海相望,东临日本海。  

朝鲜民主主义人民共和国于第二次世界大战后的1948年9月9日建立。领土面积约12.3万平方公里,人口约2500万 (2020年2月)。朝鲜民族为单一民族,通用朝鲜语。

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