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play date中文翻译,play date是什么意思,play date发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

play date中文翻译,play date是什么意思,play date发音、用法及例句

1、play date

play date发音

英:[ˈpleɪ deɪt]  美:[ˈpleɪ deɪt]

英:  美:

play date中文意思翻译




play date双语使用场景

1、My period of greatest creative output was during my corporate years, when every meeting felt like a play date with coma patients.───我人生中最具创造力的阶段是在公司上班的那几年。当时,每次开会就像是一群昏沉沉病人的聚会。

2、You want to project that you are a business woman, and not look like a mom coming to a meeting from your child's play date.───你要让自己看起来是一位职业女性,而不是参加玩耍约会的妈妈。

3、AMY CHUA: "Attend a sleepover, have a play date, watch TV or play computer games, be in a school play, get any grade less than an A. "───蔡美儿:“在外面过夜、与同学聚会、看电视或玩电脑游戏、参加课外活动、任何一门成绩低于A,(这些都是不允许的。)”

4、I'm taking Zoe to her play date, then I'm going to Gloria's shower. Don't burn the place down.───我带Zoe去找他的玩伴,然后我要去Gloria的送礼会。别把家给烧了。

5、For parents, it can feel like a play date with a lot riding on it.───对于父母来说,这就像是有很多乘骑项目的玩耍约会。

6、To try to reach more parents, a coalition called Play for Tomorrow this fall staged what amounted to a giant play date in Central Park.───为了争取更多家长,今年秋天,在中央公园举行了一场名为“为明天而玩”的大型玩乐聚会。

7、Do small, practical, caring things for yourself: Listen to a song that helps you grieve, schedule a play date with your best friend, wrap a soft blanket around yourself and let the tears come.───为自己做一些小、实际、照顾的事情:听一首帮助你悲伤的歌曲,安排和最好的朋友一次娱乐活动、将自己用一张软毯过裹起,让眼泪流下。

8、Your relationship could be misconstrued as a power play - date me, or you won't get that promotion.───你们之间的关系会被曲解为是权力上的交易——跟我约会吧,否则你就得不到提升。

9、"The child interview isn't an interview, it's a play date, " says Amanda Uhry, a consultant who helps families get into private school.───“见见孩子并不是一种面试,这是一种玩耍约会,”帮助一些家庭进入私立幼儿园的顾问阿曼达·阿哈里说。

play date相似词语短语

1、play at───..游戏;敷衍

2、play games───玩游戏;捣鬼;敷衍搪塞


4、play false───背信弃义

5、play safe───不冒险,求稳




9、play dates───(家长与孩子之间的)玩耍约会

2、Teachers (Palm Springs Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Teachers (Palm Springs Demo)


专辑:The Warriors Ep, Vol. 2

Our Muzik - 欧美音乐主题论坛

let the bedroom be a classroom

a couple of questions ima ask you

let me walk up to the chalkboard

skip the instructions, i wanna be hands on

when the bell rings, tell me that youll stay

ill learn a lot more if you stay ohh

if you demonstrate it slow,

i swear i wont forget it anymore i wont

say no, ill learn it from my baby all day

to show me, show me how to love

baby will you be my,

teacher, teach me how to love baby i need ya

its as simple as a b c, as easy as 1 2 3

will you be my teacher

show me all the different ways to please ya

its as simple as a b c, as easy as 1 2 3 (will you be)

make me playdate lover

do it, how you do it, demonstrate it under covers

youre the best teacher ever,

yea i wanna be the teacher's pet

someone kissing up, all over you, obeying all the rules

i swear ill follow each and every one of them

i, im tired of walking all alone

if you wanna come and help me with the moan work

i wont say no i learn it from my baby all day

just show me, show me how to love baby

will you be my

teacher, teach me how to love baby i need ya

its as simple as a b c, as easy as 1 2 3

will you be my teacher

show me all the different ways to please ya

its as simple as a b c, as easy as 1 2 3 (will you be)


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