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water down中文翻译,water down是什么意思,water down发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

water down中文翻译,water down是什么意思,water down发音、用法及例句

water down

water down发音

英:  美:

water down中文意思翻译



掺水于; 用水把…冲淡; 削弱; 使缓和

water down双语使用场景

1、You can water down a glass of wine and make it last twice as long.───你可以往杯里的葡萄酒中掺点水,当两杯来喝。

2、They had piped the water down.───他们已用管道把水引到下面.

3、He had been under pressure to water down the doctrines.───他处在淡化理论的压力之中.

4、We send the food and water down into the mine through silos.───我们通过立井把食物和饮用水送到矿井下.

5、We have to water down the curriculum for the slow learning class.───我们得把慢班的课程要求降低一些.

6、Huge pipes funnel the water down the mountainside.───巨大的管道把水沿山坡输送下山。

7、You have to water down the medicine before drinking it.───你得把这种药加水稀释后再服用.

8、The band have a grim determination not to water down their sound.───该乐队下了坚定的决心不让他们的声音变质.

9、The teacher had to water down the course for a slow - learning class.───教师不得不降低课程的要求以迁就慢班的学生.

10、She tipped the dirty water down the drain.───她把脏水倒入了下水道。

11、The thirsty boy drink a glass of water down.───这个干渴的孩子一下子喝光了一杯水.

12、You can water down a glass of wine and make it last twice as long.───你可以在一杯葡萄酒中掺水,这样就能当两杯喝。

13、It looks like water down there all right.───看起来水的确流到那儿了。

14、They piped the water down.───他们用管道把水引到下面来.

15、We piped the water down.───我们用管道把水输送到下面来.

16、They didn't agree to water down their demands.───他们不同意降低他们的要求.

17、In the negotiations, they agreed to water down their original stiff demand to one acceptable to both sides.───在谈判中, 他们同意把原来的强硬要求降低到双方都可以接受的地步.

18、If you feel the water down here, it's really warm.───如果你想过来感受一下泉水的话, 它真得很暖和.

water down相似词语短语

1、watered down───冲淡的,打折扣的

2、watering down───在…中搀水冲淡;稀释

3、water dogs───会水的狗;水性好的人;小云层

4、batter down───v.打烂

5、to water down───浇水

6、waters down───在…中搀水冲淡;稀释

7、water dog───会水的狗;水性好的人;小云层



提水,浇花,拿走,时候,梳头之中找出轻声词语,这个词语是浇花。浇花的拼音:[jiāo huā]实际读花时轻声!

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