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cut网络语是什么意思(take a cut中文翻译,take a cut是什么意思,take a cut发音、用法及例句)

04-01 投稿

cut网络语是什么意思(take a cut中文翻译,take a cut是什么意思,take a cut发音、用法及例句)

1、take a cut

take a cut发音

英:  美:

take a cut中文意思翻译



take a cut双语使用场景

1、Gather your team together and say you are going to propose that everyone takes a pay cut, and offer to take a cut yourself.───把你的团队成员召集起来,告诉他们,你要提议给所有人减薪,并提出自己主动减薪。

2、Apple will take a cut of sales and give the rest to the record companies.───苹果会削减一些销售,给其他的唱片公司留点空间。

3、We need everyone to take a cut in his salary, or else the company will have to choose some people to let go.───我们需要大家接受减薪,否则公司只好解雇一些人了。

4、Currently, such ads are handled by ad networks that, of course, take a cut.───目前,这部分广告由广告网络运作,当然,这些公司要从中分成。

5、Currently, such ads are handled by AD networks that, of course, take a cut.───目前,这部分广告由广告网络运作,当然,这些公司要从中分成。

6、People would nag their friends to come to the same bar or shop. The merchant would get new customers. Groupon would take a cut.───人们就会要求他们的朋友去相同的酒吧或商店,商店就会有新的消费者,Groupon也从中分一杯羹。

7、Lawyers and agents scheme to ensure that their stars take a cut of a film's proceeds before anybody else gets to the pie.───律师和公司计划着确保在其它分享这块大蛋糕以前,他们的影星已从**收入分得一杯羹。

8、The agency is expected to take a cut of the money awarded to its client.───这家代理商理应从奖给其客户的钱中抽取它的一份。

9、Players pay for play time or virtual goods within the games, and the social networks take a cut of the sales.───玩家需要为游戏时间或游戏里的虚拟商品付费,社交网络公司则从销售额中提成。

take a cut相似词语短语

1、take a drug───吃药

2、take a shit───拉屎(美国俚语)

3、take a hint───领会别人的暗示;接受暗示

4、take a call───(演员)谢幕;接电话

5、take a cab───乘坐出租车

6、take a seat───坐下;就坐

7、take a hit───遭受打击;受到影响

8、take a bath───洗个澡

9、take a cue───按别人的指点行事;懂得别人的暗示

2、take a shot什么意思?

take a shot




take a shot of:给...拍照

Take a shot for you:为了你胡乱猜想|也再给你一次让我接受你的机会|总我为了你胡乱猜想(想象。。)

take a cheap shot at:偷袭,下流的/卑鄙的袭击

take a shoot




take a shoot:抄近路|在激流中走过, 抄近路。|走近路

cut corners cut off a corner take a shoot:抄近路

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