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act upon中文翻译,act upon是什么意思,act upon发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

act upon中文翻译,act upon是什么意思,act upon发音、用法及例句

1、act upon

act upon发音

英:  美:

act upon中文意思翻译

对…起作用[有功效]; 奉行, 按照…而行动; 照办


act upon双语使用场景

1、Such strategies possess the common theory and act upon the common pattern and framework.───错误观念转变的教学策略有着共同的理论,并遵循着共同的模式或框架.

2、Which impulse will you act upon?───那个冲动会让你行动吗?

3、They should have some principles to act upon.───他们必须有一些原则可以遵循.

4、This is the ninth point which we urge you to accept and act upon.───此应请采纳实行者九.

5、To obtain and act upon the opinion the Judges.───获得和执行与副审们之意见.

6、Generally speaking, they include tools to act upon data elements and places to put data elements.───一般来说, 功能元素包括对数据元素操作的工具,以及输入或者放置数据元素的位置.

7、We must heed the correct views, and act upon them.───对正确的意见必须听, 并且照它做.

8、The question comes down to whether we ought to act upon his advice.───问题归结到我们是否应该按照他的建议去做.

9、They could act upon those conditions, beginning to change them to their own advantage.───他们能够按那些环境采取行动, 开始按自己的利益改变它们.

10、He did not act upon my order.───他没有按我的命令行动。

11、We need to act upon it.───我们需要采取行动。

12、This is the tenth point which we urge you to accept and act upon.───此应请采纳实行者十.

13、But just remember ideas are useless unless you act upon them.───但记住,想法本身是无用的,你需要将想法付诸实践.

14、If what he proposes will benefit the people, we will act upon it.───你说的办法对人民有好处, 我们就照你的办.

15、We should have some principles to act upon.───我们应该有一些原则,以便遵循行事.

16、This is the fourth point which we urge you to accept and act upon.───此应请采纳实行者四.

17、We must act upon order.───我们必须依命行事.

18、A patient should usually listen to his doctor's advice and act upon it.───一般说来,病人应该听从医生的劝告,并照医生的意见做.

act upon相似词语短语

1、hit upon───偶然发现,偶然碰到

2、act up───调皮;运作不正常;出毛病

3、acts upon───对…起作用;按照…行事

4、act on───对…起作用;按照…行事

5、wait upon───侍候;服侍

6、acted upon───对…起作用;按照…行事

7、lit upon───偶然遇见


The usual classes of punches and dies may be grouped as follows according to the manner in which they are brought to act upon the material.\r冲模通常可按其作用于材料的方式分类如下。 Act upon what you know in making your decisions.\r按照你所知道的来作决定。 Each such beam is subjected to the external loads that normally act upon it, together with the two redundant moments at its ends.\r每一根这样的梁承受垂直作用于其上的外荷,以及两端的两赘余弯矩。

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