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come out with中文翻译,come out with是什么意思,come out with发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

come out with中文翻译,come out with是什么意思,come out with发音、用法及例句

1、come out with

come out with发音

英:  美:

come out with中文意思翻译



v.发表; 公布; 说出; 展出

come out with双语使用场景

1、Whatever you think, come out with it.───有什么想法都端出来.

2、Please come out with your tentative ideas at the meeting.───请把你的初步设想在会上讲一讲.

3、I think it's premature for restaurants to come out with that advice.───我认为餐馆提出那样的建议太草率了。

4、If you are man enough , come out with what you have to say!───是好样儿的, 就站出来说吧!

5、How did you come out with that La Crosse man you were telling me about? "───你上次和我说的那笔和拉克劳斯人的生意做得怎么样? ”

6、Come out with your hands up!───手出来投降吧!

7、Come -- out with your spring - line -- what're you about there!───喂 —— 再把船边的绳索递过来 —— 你在发什么呆!

8、People would go into the store and come out with their arms full.───人们到这家商店来总是满载而归。

9、If you're so chicken - hearted, Chih - sheng , you shouldn't have come out with us in the first place.───芝生,你那么胆小, 何必出来!

10、Come out with your hands on your heads. The jig is up.───把手放在头上,出来吧. 你们已经全完了.

11、If you're stuck for something to do tonight, come out with us.───你要是正愁今晚没事做,就跟我们一块儿出去吧。

12、Do you want to come out with me tonight?───今天晚上你想和我一起出去 吗 ?

13、Can you come out with me for a walk?───你能跟我出来散散步 吗 ?

14、Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but most ballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience.───墨迹很难清除,不过,只要有足够的恒心与耐心,大部分圆珠笔印迹都是可以清除的。

15、Radio and TV sports running commentators occasionally come out with some bloopers.───无线电和电视的体育节目实况广播员偶尔会说错一些话.

16、The old man likes to come out with his dog.───老人喜欢带着狗一起出去.

17、You try and persuade her ( to come out with us ).───你去试试劝她 ( 跟我们一起出去 ) 吧.

18、They are going to come out with a great new encyclopedia next month.───下个月他们将出一部了不起的新百科全书.

come out with相似词语短语

1、come up with───提出;想出;赶上

2、come down with───付钱;染上病

3、coming out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

4、comes out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

5、came out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

6、came up with───提出;想出;赶上

7、to come out with───出来

2、think out和come up with有什么区别吗,都是想出的意思?


come up with.提出..(问题/解决的办法/一个好注意..)

think out想出(办法)..更侧重是想出来的吧..

think of..想到(什么.)..,,(某事物)让你想到/想起/考虑到什么..

think about 考虑一下...(针对某事物考虑一下)

think up [有带一点被去得去想.而不像think out 那样自然想出来.eg: we must think up a good plane.] 想出(一个借口,主意.).. 捏造,虚构...


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