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executive committee中文翻译,executive committee是什么意思,executive committee发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

executive committee中文翻译,executive committee是什么意思,executive committee发音、用法及例句

1、executive committee

executive committee发音

英:  美:

executive committee中文意思翻译



executive committee双语使用场景

1、He also served on the National Front's national executive committee.───他还曾就职于民族阵线全国执行委员会。

2、The Executive Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.───(10)执行委员会应通过其本身的议事规程.

3、He is on the executive committee.───他是该执行委员会委员.

4、Later that afternoon the Executive Committee met again.───那天下午晚些时候,执行委员会再次开会.

5、They opted to put an executive committee in charge of the project rather than a single person.───他们选择由一个执行委员会而非个人来负责这个项目。

6、Wang Ping: The Executive Committee is the highest office in the institution.───王平: 执委会是最高执行机构.

7、The draft will be sent for approval to the Home Office's Royal and VIP Executive Committee, which oversees the policy and funding of royal security.───草案将提交给英国内政部的皇家和贵宾执行委员会审批,该委员会负责监督王室安保的政策和资金。

8、Each country member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote.───(a) 执行委员会每一成员国应有一票表决权.

9、Achieving the company goals and objectives as established by the Executive Committee.───达到公司制定的目标和成绩.

10、Any other special case approved by the Executive Committee.───经由执行委员会批准的任何特别个案.

11、I have served on executive committee for over ten years.───我在执行委员会任职已超过十年.

12、Today its executive committee voted unanimously to reject the proposals.───今天执行委员会投票一致否决了这些提案。

13、The general manager reported to an executive committee.───总经理向董事会常务委员会负责.

14、One - half of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.───(b)执行委员会委员的半数构成开会的法定人数.

15、He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds.───他是管理劳埃德保险公司的执行委员会成员。

16、In the evening the President met with the Executive Committee.───这天傍晚,总统出席了执行委员会会议.

17、The executive committee recommends that the procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements.───执行委员会建议,这些程序应该满足某些基本要求。

18、To re - appoint Auditors and authorize the Executive Committee to fix their remuneration.───续聘核数师,并授权执行委员会厘定其酬金.

executive committee相似词语短语

1、executive suites───行政套房;高级套房;商务套房;管理阶层;纵横天下(**名)

2、executive position───[管理]行政职位

3、executive suite───行政套房;高级套房;商务套房;管理阶层;纵横天下(**名)

4、executive committees───[管理]执行委员会

5、action committee───行动委员会

6、executive officer───主任参谋,执行官

7、executive chairmen───执行主席;执行总裁

8、selection committees───选拔委员会

9、selection committee───选拔委员会


Production Executive Committee




n.委员会,全体委员; (为促进共同目标的实现而自发组织起来的)促进会; [法]受托人; 监护人;





Committee member joseph lieberman noted the need for change.

委员会成员joseph lieberman也指出了进行变革的必要性

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