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pick out中文翻译,pick out是什么意思,pick out发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

pick out中文翻译,pick out是什么意思,pick out发音、用法及例句

pick out

pick out发音

英:  美:

pick out中文意思翻译



pick out双语使用场景

1、Pick out some good apples from the box, and away the rest.───把好苹果从盒子里捡出来, 剩下的扔了.

2、Part four: Make whole elaboration about inside condition, pick out its superiority and comment it.───第四部分: 针对企业的内部经营条件作了全面的阐述和分析, 找出其中的弊端和优势,并予以评价.

3、Books are easy to pick out in open shelves.───因为是开架的,所以书很容易找到.

4、Pick out the pictures you like best.───挑出你最喜欢的画.

5、Can you pick out the man you saw at the spot of the crime?───你能认出你在犯罪现场看到的那个人 吗 ?

6、One of my favourite is to pick out music.───我的爱好之一是挑选音乐.

7、Go inside and pick out what you want from Aunt Abby's bird collection.───到房子里从艾比姑妈收藏的鸟里面选一个自己玩.

8、We must pick out the enemy's weakest units for attack.───我们必须找敌人最薄弱的部队攻击.

9、Pick out the subject of each paragraph and use the structures below to make six questions.───找出每一段的中心话题,用下面的句型,设计六个问题.

10、I'll pick out a picture to show them.───我将选择一张画给他们看.

11、I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us.───我提议由你来选我们该走哪条小路。

12、Pick out a dozen oranges for me.───给我挑一打橘子.

13、She tried to pick out the tune of a song she had heard on the radio.───她试图凭听觉记忆摸索着奏出那首她从广播里听到的歌曲.

14、My mother is going to help me pick out a new suit.───母亲要帮我挑选一套新衣.

15、Could you pick out the red kites?───你能挑选出红色的风筝吗?

16、Come and pick out your own things.───自己的东西,自己来认.

17、No matter how bad people may seem, they possess at least one virtue. Be like the humming bird and pick out the sweetness of everyone's character.───不管人们看上去多坏,他们拥有至少一种美德。像蜂鸟一样吧,挑选出每个人性格中的甜美之处。

18、Can you pick out your sister in this crowd?───你能在这人群中认出你妹妹 吗 ?

19、They had to stop to pick out thorns from their feet.───他们只得停下来把脚上的刺拔去.

20、So many people have helped me with this book that it is hard to pick out the few for special mention.───帮助我完成本书的人数太多,难以从中选出几位特别致谢。

21、Next you can pick out the food you like and put them on your tray.───接下来,你可以选择你喜欢的食物,并把它们放在你的托盘里.

22、There are a lot of apples the basket, please pick out the rotten ones.───篮子里有很多苹果, 请把那些烂的捡出来.

23、Let's pick out the bad potatoes from the basket.───让我们把坏掉的土豆从篮子里挑出来.

24、When the eagle is dead, the crow pick out his eyes.───雄鹰死, 鸦啄眼.

25、You can demonstrate this process by simply turning faces upside-down, showing that our ability to pick out differences is suddenly reduced.───你可以通过简单地把脸倒置过来来演示这个过程,表明我们辨别差异的能力突然下降。

26、I will pick out three new plays particularly.───我将特别选出3部新剧。

27、I walk through fields of shiny wet grass and pick out diamonds in the dew.───我走过水般晶莹的草地,脚步不停抹去那钻石般的露珠.

28、When I eat rice rolls, I pick out every carrot.───每次我吃饭卷时, 我都会把胡萝卜挑出来.

29、Can you pick out the right one?───你能找出正确的那一个 吗 ?

30、Are you really sure you can not pick out the red one for me?───你真的肯定不能替我把那个红的拣出来 吗 ?

31、It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store.───玛丽在店里花了好长时间才挑好一件新衣裳.

32、We're going to Andreas's Boutique to pick out something original for both of us.───我们要去安德烈亚斯礼品店为我们俩挑选一些新奇玩意儿.

pick out相似词语短语

1、prick out───刺穿

2、kick outs───v.解雇;开除;把球踢出界

3、picked out───点饰

4、picks out───挑选出

5、kicks out───v.解雇;开除;把球踢出界

6、kick out───v.解雇;开除;把球踢出界

7、sick out───托病旷工

pick out什么意思?


\"pick up rubber\"指的是比赛结束后的回场圈,赛车在非赛车线上行驶,赛道上的橡胶颗粒会被粘在高温的轮胎上,增加额外的车身重量(大约3kg),有利于赛后称重。

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