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hunker down中文翻译,hunker down是什么意思,hunker down发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

hunker down中文翻译,hunker down是什么意思,hunker down发音、用法及例句

1、hunker down

hunker down发音

英:  美:

hunker down中文意思翻译


蹲坐,蹲; 〔尤指长期〕留在安全处做好准备应对困境; 做好准备应对困境


hunker down双语使用场景

1、Work hard, hunker down, tighten your belt, and a better life.───努力工作 、 盘腿坐下 、 勒紧腰带 、 和改善生活.

2、The youngsters hunker down at the bottom of the nest, hiding until mom mealtimes.───孩子们通常藏在巢穴底部, 等到母亲呼唤时才出来.

3、They are not allowed to hunker down to rest after running 5,000 meters.───他们跑完5000米后不准蹲下休息.

4、I have to hunker down to finish my algebra this evening.───我今晚要专专心心地把代数作业做完.

5、Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.───他们目前的策略是保持低调,让事态慢慢平息。

6、It's an instinct to hunker down and control things that makes this harder for people.───其实着手控制是一种本能,结果却把事情变得更加困难.

7、Employees find new jobs, or they hunker down and get ready to change.───员工找到新工作,或准备好变革。

8、Families hunker down indoors hanging illuminated orange paper stars in their darkened windows.───家族里的猎人们在屋里休养生息,从昏暗的窗户中能看到星星点点的橘色烛光.

9、So hunker down and get prepared and listen to the best brains telling it like it is.───那么,蹲下身子做好准备吧,听听那些最好的大脑怎么说。

hunker down相似词语短语

1、hunkering down───沉潜待发

2、hunkers down───沉潜待发

3、buckled down───倾全力;开始认真从事

4、hunted down───穷追直至抓获

5、hunkered down───蹲坐(hunkered是hunker的过去式)

6、to hunker down───两个蹲下来

7、hunt down───穷追直至抓获

8、hunts down───穷追直至抓获

9、buckets down───铲斗放下

2、Nobody S Hero (Live At Friars) 歌词

歌曲名:Nobody S Hero (Live At Friars)

歌手:Stiff Little Fingers





When they'd found him without name

He was cries resounding from the waste

He'd been thrown away

He'd never speak but he could see

Eyes of a child and certified insane

Sent down a tearful lane

Coming out of nowhere

No past and no way to go

His final drops of pride make the show go on

Running from the sun: Nobody's Hero

Figures down the drain to hunker down in shadows

Running from the sun: Nobody's Hero

Down the boulevard of unborn dreams

A little odd but then okay

On ruly tracks until she went astray

Got lost along the way

All the knew: You gotta run

They found the treadmill but she was gone

Her smile to chase

Fly into the darkness

No past, no future to come

Final drops of pride make the show go on

Running from the sun: Nobody's Hero

Figures down the drain to hunker down in shadows

Running from the sun: Nobody's Hero

Down the boulevard of unborn dreams

Nobody's Hero

Figures down the drain to hunker down in shadows

Running from the sun: Nobody's Hero

Down the boulevard of unborn dreams

Running from the sun: Nobody's Hero

Figures down the drain to hunker down in shadows

Running from the sun: Nobody's Hero

Down the boulevard of unborn dreams


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