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sports days中文翻译,sports days是什么意思,sports days发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

sports days中文翻译,sports days是什么意思,sports days发音、用法及例句

sports days

sports days发音

英:  美:

sports days中文意思翻译


n.<英>(学校的)运动日( sports day的名词复数 )

sports days双语使用场景

1、sports meet is 3 days away.───离运动会还有三天。

2、In middle and high schools, sports days include many of the common track and field events.───在初中和高中学校、体育天包括许多常见的田径项目。

3、Bento is still used by workers as a packed lunch, by families on day trips, for school picnics and sports days etc.───便当依然被工人们、白天出门的家庭,学校野炊及比赛日期作为一种盒装午饭。

4、The Bento is still used by workers as a packed lunch, by families on day trips, for school picnics and sports days etc.───便当依然被工人们、白天出门的家庭,学校野炊及比赛日期作为一种盒装午饭。

5、Sports days, or sports meets, are usually held in the warmer seasons, either at the beginning or the end of the school year.───运动日,也叫运动会,常常在暖和的时节里召开,在一学年的开端或许完毕的时候。

6、The kids keep me very busy with picnics and sports days at school'───经常要带孩子们去野餐,去学校参加体育活动。

7、With field trips, month tests and sports days we haven't had much time for class or for learning English.───实地考察,月考和运动会导致我们没有太多时间上课或学习英语。

sports days相似词语短语

1、sports halls───体育馆

2、sports bags───运动包

3、sports coats───n.(男子穿的)便服外套

4、sports caps───求购运动帽

5、sports desks───运动桌

6、sports bars───体育酒吧

7、sports cars───跑车;赛车;越野车

8、sports fans───运动迷

9、sports day───运动会,运动日


on sports days是表示目的性的行为,表示在运动会那一天会做什么,表示-种状态例句辨析,也是地点状语。

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