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four points(four point中文翻译,four point是什么意思,four point发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

four points(four point中文翻译,four point是什么意思,four point发音、用法及例句)

four point

four point发音

英:  美:

four point中文意思翻译



four point双语使用场景

1、Watch the four-point pattern between 10 seconds and then close their eyes and turn to the wall, then slowly open eyes.───看图案中间的四个点10秒,然后闭上眼睛,转向墙壁,再慢慢睁眼。

2、Yuan in all.───四块五毛钱。

3、LeBron almost gave his team a dramatic win with a four-point play near the end of regulation.───勒布朗几乎给他的团队戏剧性赢得了四点发挥临近结束时的规例。

4、She has drawn up a four-point model that could be applied to the behaviour of any creature, including humans, to identify heroic acts.───她拟订了用来确定英雄行为的四点模式,可以应用于辨别任何动物(其中包括人类)的行为。

5、Four-point bearings should not be used for predominantly radial loads due to the high friction at four-point contact.───四点轴承不应使用为主要由于在四点接触摩擦高径向负荷。

6、He said India had come up with a four-point formula on the issue.───他说,印度已就这个问题拿出了一个四点的方案。

7、three to four point reduction in diastolic blood pressure would reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease by 20 per cent.───心脏舒张压3到4个点的降低将减少20%冠状动脉疾病的发病率。

8、That's my four-point plan, and I ask you to compare it to George Bush's four-word plan: More of the same.───请大家将我的计划和乔治·布什的四字计划做一个比较:很多是相同的。

9、We suggest a novel trap of trapping a neutral atom with static electric field of four point charges, and discuss the quantum effects of the cold neutral atom in the trap.───用四个点电荷构造一个简单、新颖的静电势阱,并基于含时薛定谔方程和有限差分时间域方法,研究冷原子在该势阱中的量子力学效应。

four point相似词语短语

1、pour point───倾点,流点;流动点,浇注点;零

2、far point───远点;[光]明视远点

3、bonus point───红利点;加分;消费积分;奖励积分


5、frost point───[气象]霜点;冰点

6、pour points───倾点,流点;流动点,浇注点;零

7、focal point───[光][数]焦点

8、cover point───n.防守位

9、color point───变色时刻;弹辨色点

four point酒店属于什么酒店集团?

four points是福朋喜来登酒店。


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